- Beat the Winter Blues - January 31, 2025
- Cosmic Connections - January 31, 2025
- WHAT AN AWESOME GROUP! - July 27, 2024
The Practicum has been completed for 2024! The plants grown by students of the 2024 class were beautiful. However, due to record setting rain on the Saturday of the Spring Garden Fair, sales were down. Practicum plant sales generated about 1/3 to 1/2 the amount made in years past. The BIG success, though, was the cheer and engagement of both the customers and the Master Gardeners who worked through it all!
Meanwhile, Jackson County has finally decided the “Creepy Old House” has served its purpose. After 20+ years of hearing that it was going to be torn down due to asbestos, it’s finally going to happen. The SOREC funds budgeted for the demolition will expire on June 30th, so destruction will start on or about June 2nd and is expected to take about three weeks.
This will open the SOREC property up to the street which could lead to theft and/or damage. A fence may be the least expensive solution. Now might be the ideal time to also remove and replace the old leaky tool shed, Peggy’s Greenhouse (which also has asbestos), and the Practicum Infirmary as well. A committee has been formed to investigate the cost of each and possible funding sources for replacement.
In addition, Greenhouse #1 is showing serious wear and tear due to its age. Termites have ravished the wooden parts, and the plastic top section needs constant patching. The water heater has developed a terminal leak and the electrical system needs constant repairs. One sink has a hole in it. And, as long as we’re dreaming of possibilities, building a separate classroom would allow for more greenhouse space for plants. A lathe house could also allow for growing shade and cool weather plants.
All these projects will be looked at by the committee. Grants and other funding sources will be explored, and possible plans will be run by SOREC Director Alec Levin. All that can be said right now is, “Stay tuned!”