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Annual Jackson County Master Gardener™ Association Photo Contest Winners

By February 28, 2023Beet 2023 03 March



The Jackson County Master Gardener™ Association Member Services Working Group (MSWG) would like to announce the winners of its annual photo contest for 2023.

Thank you to those who submitted photos for the front cover of our JCMGA 2023 Chapter Directory.

With many wonderful pictures to choose from, it was a difficult decision.


The overall winner was Janine Salvatti (2019) with her photo “Monarch Butterfly and Asters”.

“This photo was taken as my hubby and I were headed out for a long weekend before Covid hit.  The day was glorious, and we stopped along the way as the whim struck us. We saw a sign for a butterfly garden and headed down a little potholed road.  In a wide clearing we found a small butterfly house filled with milkweed and many other plants. Several varieties of butterflies were busy flitting from flower to flower and we saw our first monarch eggs ever on the milkweed.  Such a treat. “  Janine Salvatti





The four runners-up are —

  • Alexius Lucas (2023) for her “Red Hisbiscus” photo 











  • Linda Millus (2023) for her “Stargazer Lily” photo











  • Trina Stout (2022) for her “Rainbow Over Garden” photo 








  • Lora West (2020) for her “Bleeding Heart” photo 








In the upcoming Garden Beets we will highlight the Four Runner-Ups – stay tuned……..


Congratulations everyone!