Jackson County Master Gardener Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 11, 2023
The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Zoom at 9:27 a.m. with President
Marcie Katz presiding.
Board Members Present: Marcie Katz, Barbara Low, Jane Moyer, Sean Cawley, Keltie Nelson, Kathy Apple, Colet Allen, Dee Copley, Trina Stout, Lucy Pylkki, Rob McWhorter, Marcia Harris, Ronnie Budge, Sandy Hammond, Janine Salvatti, Grace Florjancic
Absent: Regula Pepi, Margaret Saydah, Pam Hillers, Cassandra Toews,
Guests: Sherri Morgan
Consent Agenda: Ronnie Budge asked two questions about the picnic plans as described in the Member Services WG Report. “Offers and Needs” is an icebreaker where everyone tells three things they need, then three things they have to offer. The Arboretum was mistakenly labeled the pavilion. Ronnie Budge moved and Colet Allen seconded the Consent Agenda be approved. Unanimous approval.
Additions to the Agenda: The blue barrels were deleted from the agenda to enable the board
to follow Policy 1.8.
Approval of Agenda: Kathy Apple moved to have the agenda approved as amended. Ronnie
Budge seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Keltie Nelson pointed out four board members were listed as both present and absent in the July minutes. Keltie Nelson moved and Ronnie Budge seconded the July board meeting minutes be approved as corrected. Unanimous approval.
- Barbara Low reported to date 57 people had signed up for the picnic on August 19.
Sandy Hammond will run the 50/50 raffle. Colet Allen is arranging for the groceries.
- The Nominating Committee will be chaired by Barbara Low. A Mail Chimp will be sent
out asking for more members.
- Barbara Low announced the 2024 graduation will be held at 5:30 on November 4.
Both students and perennial Master Gardeners need to report their hours online
(VRS) or turn a paper version into Grace.
- Janine Salvatti reported a workshop will be held September 15 for making glass
mosaic garden art. It will be open to Master Gardeners and the public. Participants
can find the supply list in the August Garden Beet.
- Janine Salvatti announced Art in the Gardens will be held 9:00-12:00 August 26.
Artists are invited to make “plein air” art in the demonstration gardens. The only
request is that artists include “JCMGA” in their art piece.
- Sandy Hammond reminded board members the Fall Festival will be held October 14.
Setup will be Friday, October 13. Plant sale booths will be located in the parking lot.
All other sales will be in the auditorium, including holiday items.
Coordinator’s Report: MG Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported
- Danielle Knueppel, MG Coordinator and Small Farms Coordinator for Josephine Co.
has resigned effective August 31. A replacement will be advertised for.
- interpretive signage for the gardens is being edited and will be ready for installation
in the spring.
- Talk to Grace if you are interested in a citizen scientist project involving rain gauges.
- One-hundred fifty-five pounds of produce have been collected for ACCESS to date.
Bring extra produce to the Gathering Garden 9:00-10:30 on Wednesday mornings.
Discussion items:
- Barbara Low announced the dates for the 2023 Winter Dreams Summer Gardens
Symposium have been set for October 27, 28, November 3, and 4 (14 sessions). All
speakers for the 2023 WDSG have been arranged plus one for 2024. Registration will
open on the JCMGA website on Monday, August 14. The 2024 dates will be October
18, 19, 25, and 26 (16 sessions).
- The Southern Oregon Home Shows will be held in Josephine Co. February 16, 17, 18
and in Jackson County May 3, 4, 5 (the same weekend as Spring Garden Fair). The
Community Outreach Working Group will be in charge of JCMGA involvement. It is
thought there may be some MG’s who are unable to physically help with SGF who
might agree to doing a shift at the May Home Show.
- A Community Outreach Working Group committee made up of Ronnie Budge, Colet
Allen, Trina Stout, and Romina Klayman will determine how to proceed with Spanish
translation of MG written materials.
- Jane Moyer asked about reaching out to the Josephine Co. Master Gardener
Association to start investigating the possibility of having a two-county association
similar to the Tri-County Master Gardener Association in the Portland area. It was
decided it might be premature. OMGA Representative Kathy Apple was asked to find
out information about how they formed and how they function, though.
- Jane Moyer also suggested it might be a good idea to have a representative at the
Jackson Co. Commissioners meetings. Master Gardener Coordinator Grace Florjancic
will ask Extension Manager Heidi Gehman and SOREC Director Alec Levin if it would
be appropriate. The next meeting is 9:30 a.m. Friday August 16. Barbara Low offered
to attend.
- Master Gardener Sherri Morgan, representative to the SOREC Advisory Council
reported the next meeting will be Thursday, August 17. She will report on it at the
September board meeting. Topics of interest to the board include ADA requirements,
solar panels, timeline for the Creepy Old House, painting a mural on the front of the
COH, regular mowing of the front yard of the COH.
- Keltie Nelson reported JCMGA has outgrown the capacity for having a free Mail
Chimp account. Upgrading would cost $20/month with a 50% nonprofit discount. No
vote was needed because the budget already has funds available. Keltie also reported
all students are receiving Mail Chimps.
- The topic of including financial information in The Garden Beet was continued from
the July meeting. It was decided that pie charts will be developed to show by
percentages where JCMGA’s funding comes from and how it is spent rather than
showing actual amounts.
- Janine Salvatti asked board members to save large pieces of cardboard for the
Gardens Enhancement Committee to use as weed barrier.
Motion Items: Jane Moyer received bids from Travis Curtis Construction for concrete pathways around and in the Lavender Garden. The original bid covered a 42″ pathway between the Vineyard and the Lavender Garden with a small section going into the Lavender Garden and a landing pad in front of the garden. The estimate is $9480. After discussions with Alec Levin, a second bid for a pathway through the garden was requested and received for $3250 with half the amount over $10,000 to be paid by JCMGA and half to be paid by SOREC ($1365 each). On behalf of the Fundraising Working Group, Jane Moyer moved the board approve the amount of $1365 for JCMGA’s share of the amount to be paid over $10,000. Unanimous approval. Jane will be meeting with Alec Levin and Travis Curtis to obtain a copy of the plan along with a contract.
MEETING ADJOURNED: President Marcie Katz adjourned the meeting at 11:33.
NEXT MEETING: Board Meeting (Hybrid) Friday, September 8, 2023, 9:00 chit-chat, 9:30 meeting
Submitted by Jane Moyer, Recording Secretary