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Beet 2024 06 June

Jackson County Master Gardeners Announcements –June 2024

By Beet 2024 06 June



  • JCMGA Annual Membership Meeting – June 14th from 9:00-9:30 a.m. You are welcome to stay for our regular June Board meeting which will be from 9:30-11:15 a.m.
  • JCMGA Monthly Board Meeting – June 14th from 9:30-11:15 a.m.
  • JCMGA Annual Picnic and Awards Ceremony – Saturday, June 29th. We will have a guest speaker, Robert Coffan. He is with the Monarch Advocacy.

(check the article in this Garden Beet about Robert Coffan)


  • OMGA Joy of Gardening Conference at OSU on July 12-13.
  • The JCMGA information table at the Josephine County Extension Expo July 19-20. Let Barbara Low know if you are interested in helping to work at the table.
  • We will start collecting produce (fruit and vegetables) donations on Wednesday, July 24th, from 10-11 a.m. – which will be given to Access.

President’s Corner

By Beet 2024 06 June

It seems as though the month has flown by!

The Spring Garden Fair, May 4th-5th, was a great success – even with the terrible weather on Saturday, May 4th! What a downpour!  We broke the record for rainfall in one day – 0.91 inches. A day we probably won’t forget.

A BIG THANK YOU to Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki for leading the Spring Garden Fair this year. Also, a MAJOR THANK YOU to our wonderful volunteers who braved the cold, rainy weather and muddy conditions. We could not have done it without your help and steadfastness.  Brian Smith and Joe Alvord were phenomenal in managing the Parking Area – great job!  There was a wide variety of vendors. Even with the adverse weather, we maintained a positive attitude and met the challenges as they came. Great work everyone!

The Class of 2024 Practicum students did a fantastic job this year during their practicum time. We had thousands of plants – all grown from seeds. The practicum mentors and students worked and learned together to build a strong, cohesive team. I sincerely hope that these students will continue to provide support for JCMGA in the coming years. What a great crew!  It was a pleasure working with them!

Next was the After Plant Sale on May 11th. Plants that didn’t get sold during the Spring Garden Fair were given a second chance. The weather was lovely, and we had a steady flow of customers. Thank you to the volunteers who worked that day!

At the end of the day, it was time to put away of all the practicum supplies and materials; clean the greenhouses; put away other supplies from the sales; and complete miscellaneous other duties. Great job everyone!

On another note –

I encourage you to stop by the JCMGA Demonstration Gardens at the SOREC Extension, 569 Hanley Road.  They look fantastic and are impressive. Marcie Katz and Janine Salvatti led the group of volunteers who maintain the gardens. The Class of 2024 students will spend more time this summer working in the gardens as well.

The JCMGA Annual Member Meeting on June 14th. This is a special time to meet and talk with the Board members to learn what has been accomplished this past year; understand the issues we are currently working on; and provide your valuable input and insights.

On June 29th, we will hold our Annual Member Picnic. This is a potluck. Please see the article in this month’s Garden Beet for details.

Thank you everyone for all that you do for JCMGA! YOU ROCK!



Coordinator’s Column

By Beet 2024 06 June

Hello Gardeners,


This month we had a wonderful visit to Troon Vineyard out in the Applegate Valley. Troon is a biodynamic and regenerative organic certified vineyard. Part of the biodynamic certification means that they have at least 10% of their land dedicated to wildlife habitat. It was awesome to see a larger scale operation incorporate techniques to promote pollinators and beneficial insects.

Troon has wildflower patches throughout the vineyard in low sections that would be too wet for grapevines to thrive. Some of these patches are intentional plantings and some are more meadow style of letting the flowers grow and mingle. A few years ago they installed a native plant garden. Half of it is more managed plantings and the other half is a meadow. The spring and early summer bloomers were bright and vibrant in the garden. The buckwheat and lupines were very happy and colorful.

The grapevines themselves are established in a three-year system. The first year the ground is plowed to let the grapes establish without competition. The second-year grasses are planted in the space between the rows of vines. In the third year, short perennial flowers are planted in the rows with the grape vines. I am interested to see the long term impacts this style of growing has on their overall water usage and pest occurrences. I hope the perennial flowers offer wonderful habitat for beneficial insects like parasitic wasps to keep grape vine pest numbers down.

I had a great time learning, asking questions, and chatting with all the Master Gardeners who made the trek out to Troon. We got lucky with the beautiful weather. I hope we can work with Troon to have more tours in the future for those who missed this opportunity.



JCMGA Annual Member Meeting

By Beet 2024 06 June


JCMGA Annual Member Meeting

June 14th

9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

You are welcome to stay for the regular JCMGA Board meeting.

SOREC Auditorium, 569 Hanley Road, Central Point


Each year JCMGA has its Annual Member Meeting in June.

During this meeting we will

  • Talk about JCMGA’s accomplishments during the past year
  • Talk about issues that we are currently working on that involve the JCMGA
  • Answer any questions concerning the JCMGA
  • We welcome your input and/or suggestions


We hope that you will join us.


Barbara Low

JCMGA President


Plant a Row Opportunity

By Beet 2024 06 June

Many in our community struggle to feed their loved ones. Once again, we have an opportunity to help. Jackson County Master Gardeners Association encourages people to participate in the Plant a Row Program. ACCESS Community Action Agency of Jackson County will again accept our produce this year.

Last year, JCMGA donated over 700 pounds of produce to our local ACCESS!

Would you like to donate produce to people in need? There are three steps to participating.

  1. Grow food! Whether you have a community garden plot, or just a few tomato plants, every pound helps.
  2. The produce can be dropped off at the Gathering Place area at the SOREC Extension, 569 Hanley Road, on Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. We begin collecting donations on July 24th.
  3. Once you’ve dropped off your donation, there is a record sheet which you use to record how much produce (by weight) you have donated so we can keep track!  The Members Services Working Group and the Community Outreach Working Group are working on this.
  4. Remember, every pound counts!!


Contact Barbara Low if you have any questions

Please consider planting another row to contribute produce to Medford Access.



JCMGA Annual Member Picnic

By Beet 2024 06 June

          JCMGA Annual Member Picnic 

          Saturday, June 29th

          5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

       SOREC Extension Auditorium

         569 Hanley Road, Central Point


  • RESPOND by June 24th to let us know:
  • How many family members will attend?
  • How many hamburgers, garden burgers or hot dogs your family wants?
  • What year did you become a Master Gardener?


  • We ask families to bring:
  • A side dish or salad (last names beginning A-L) and desserts (last names beginning with M-Z)
  • Your own plate, silverware, napkins, and drinking glass
  • Members bring and wear your JCMGA badge


  • Agenda to include:
  • Guest Speaker – Robert Coffan from Monarch Advocacy
  • Awards & Recognitions
  • MG Class Reunion Recognition
  • Potluck dinner


  • A great time will be had by all!


JCMGA Annual Picnic Guest Speaker – June 29th

By Beet 2024 06 June

This year, as part of our Annual Picnic, Robert Coffan is our guest speaker.  He is the co-founder of Southern Oregon Monarch Advocates and also the founder and former chair of Western Monarch Advocates.  Robert has a BS in hydrogeology and is a former Adjunct Professor at Southern Oregon University. Robert is also a pretty good grandpa!

Robert has lived in the Rogue Valley for 25 years, passionately enjoying researching the biodiversity of the basin – from springs gushing from headwaters on the flanks of Mt. Mazama, to the hills and rivers where our Western Monarchs stop and rear their young during their fantastic migration. He is fascinated by the beauty and life processes of the Monarch butterfly and other pollinators and has joined forces with others to help restore their habitat and bring the population back. Robert never loses sight of the importance of preserving and caring for this beautiful and diverse part of the world we call home on planet Earth.

The title of his presentation is “Our Western Monarchs: What Happened and Why Should We Care?”

In 2019, the total known population of Western Monarchs plummeted to a scant 20,500 – a 99.4% loss in the last 20 years – followed by another ten-fold drop to less than 2,000! What happened and why? Can they recover? What can we do to help? The presentation will include an introduction to the iconic monarch butterfly, some of the issues that plague our migrating western population, and sharing what we can do to help restore monarch habitat and support many other pollinators throughout the seasons.

Join us for a seated potluck picnic, followed by his indoor presentation.  Take your photo with “Big Boy”, the world’s largest monarch caterpillar!  Try your hand at the bean bag toss and see how many bees and caterpillars make it into the milkweed patch. The prize?  Only bragging rights!


2024 Practicum News

By Beet 2024 06 June

The Practicum has been completed for 2024! The plants grown by students of the 2024 class were beautiful. However, due to record setting rain on the Saturday of the Spring Garden Fair, sales were down. Practicum plant sales generated about 1/3 to 1/2 the amount made in years past. The BIG success, though, was the cheer and engagement of both the customers and the Master Gardeners who worked through it all!

Meanwhile, Jackson County has finally decided the “Creepy Old House” has served its purpose.  After 20+ years of hearing that it was going to be torn down due to asbestos, it’s finally going to happen. The SOREC funds budgeted for the demolition will expire on June 30th, so destruction will start on or about June 2nd and is expected to take about three weeks.

This will open the SOREC property up to the street which could lead to theft and/or damage. A fence may be the least expensive solution. Now might be the ideal time to also remove and replace the old leaky tool shed, Peggy’s Greenhouse (which also has asbestos), and the Practicum Infirmary as well.  A committee has been formed to investigate the cost of each and possible funding sources for replacement.

In addition, Greenhouse #1 is showing serious wear and tear due to its age.  Termites have ravished the wooden parts, and the plastic top section needs constant patching. The water heater has developed a terminal leak and the electrical system needs constant repairs. One sink has a hole in it. And, as long as we’re dreaming of possibilities, building a separate classroom would allow for more greenhouse space for plants. A lathe house could also allow for growing shade and cool weather plants.

All these projects will be looked at by the committee. Grants and other funding sources will be explored, and possible plans will be run by SOREC Director Alec Levin. All that can be said right now is, “Stay tuned!”