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Beet 2024 07 July

Saturday Public GARDEN STROLL Is a Success

By Beet 2024 07 July







Photo: Grace Florjancic and neighbor


The Garden Stroll was an experiment gone right!


Marcie Katz and I hosted the first Saturday Public Open Garden Stroll with no expectations. The day started off chilly and we stared at one another for the first 30 minutes harboring doubts anyone would come.  Then, blue skies started to peek through the overcast skies and guests began to arrive. First a few, then more cars arrived. In total we hosted about 15 artists who came to sketch and paint and several small groups of curious locals who had been passing us on Hanley and wondered what this site was about. It was wonderful showing off our gardens and seeing our visitors wander around the grounds.













The artists found interesting scenes to sketch, and the other folks had questions about our Master Gardener program, plants in the various gardens, and one gentleman was interested in becoming a Friend of the Garden.



We may try opening the gardens once a month on a Saturday to introduce more of our community to the gardens for education and respite, indulge the inner artist, or simply commune with a bit of nature close up.



Lavender Garden Dress-Up Party

By Beet 2024 07 July


A few of the volunteers from left to right: Pam Cashwell, Kata Springer, Gretchen King, and Chris Veach. Photo by Janine Salvatti.

Our Dress-Up party (also known as a garden clean-up party) brought out a happy gang of volunteers for 3 weekly sessions to complete some serious weeding in the Lavender Garden. This was in preparation for the Lavender Trail event, which started June 21, 2024 and continues for several weeks.  Our weeding efforts really complemented the upgraded concrete pathways!

When Master Gardeners respond to a MailChimp, email, or Facebook announcing a “general-call workday” by showing up, we can improve the gardens and hopefully increase community awareness of our presence and mission.

Lavender Garden Work Party Volunteers include: Chris Veach, Pam Cashwell, Kata Springer, Gretchen King, Mary Schroeder, Marcie Katz, Janine Salvatti (apologies if I missed anyone!)

Not “Jost” a Berry

By Beet 2024 07 July


If you want more bang for your berry bush but have limited space, this plant offers thrice the berries in one space!  Ribes x nidigrolaria, known as jostaberry, (pronounced yostaberry) has a name that combines the German for blackcurrant, Johannisbeereand, “Jo”, and gooseberry, Stachelbeere, “Sta”. This hybrid resulted from a unique crossing of three species: the blackcurrant (Ribernigrum), the North American coastal black gooseberry (Ribes divaricatum) and the European gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa).  And what a wonderful berry it is!

Although a desire for gooseberry-like fruit on thornless plants started in the 1800’s, it was a long time coming to fruition.  Its first crossing in 1880 by William Culverwell (Yorkshire, England), “Ribes x culverwellii” was nearly sterile (unable to reproduce).  But of course, our heroine’s hybrid story didn’t end there. In the 1920s, a Berlin breeding program headed by Paul Lorenz resulted in about 1,000 different hybrids.  Another crossing resulted in 15,000 hybrids, from which three seedlings were selected for disease resistance, vigor, and the fertility lacking in the first plants.  In 1977, plant breeder Dr Rudolph Bauer, (Cologne, France), introduced the first official jostaberry cultivar to the public, named “Josta.”  Two more – “Jostine” and “Jogranda” – were introduced, and eventually led to the number of thornless varieties available today. The “Orus” line includes several rather prickly types, which were developed at the USDA Agricultural Research Service unit in Corvallis.

Although Jostaberry, like other currant species, is still an intermediate host for white pine blister disease, it is not banned in Oregon. However, it is banned in some US states: DE, ME, NC, NH, NJ, WV, MT, OH, RI & MA. It is restricted in MI and NH.  So here in Oregon, we get to enjoy an amazing thornless berry-plant with incredibly delicious and nutritious fruits.

Jostaberry plants are sold both bare root and potted.  They can be planted directly in the soil or put in large pots.  So even with limited space, you can still savor these super berries.  This robust, disease-resistant bush is hardy to zone 3 with good heat tolerance.  Plant in well-drained soil amended generously with compost in a sunny spot that gets some afternoon shade.  Mulch in summer and prune in winter, shortening branch tips to maintain size and remove drooping, broken or old wood. This will encourage fewer but larger berries and new replacement shoots.

Early in spring, branches sport large, bright green serrated-edge leaves with irregular lobes. Flowering in March-April is followed by clusters of green berries hanging firmly on their stems.  Ripening in July, they turn red, then satiny purplish-black in a black currant cross, or redder, in red currant crosses (which are also available).

Jostaberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds like their parent plants.  Jostaberries taste both tangy like gooseberries and sweet like black currants and grapes.  They’re delicious fresh, and very versatile in recipes.  Use them in fruit salads, muffins, pies and tarts. Juice them, make jams, jellies or preserves, or freeze them for later.

Since Jostaberry growth habits render commercial and mechanical harvesting impossible, you’ll have to grow your own berries to get them.  So, if you “jost” have to have this plant, save space in your garden plot or large favorite pot.


The National Gardening Association

Growing and Caring for Jostaberry –

Italian Berry

Jostaberry, the Triple Hybrid of Currant and Gooseberry 


Jostaberries: Information and Facts

Plant Sources:

One Green World

They have both black and red varieties as well Orus 8 (a hybrid of black currant and gooseberry with less thorns)

Raintree Nursery

Has several varieties including giant jostaberry



“Jos-to-have” Jostaberry Crisp

Oil and line the bottom of a 9” square pan with parchment paper.

Preheat oven to 375°F.


Crumble mix:

2 ½ cups oat flour (or whole wheat)

1 cup regular rolled oats

¼ cup coconut sugar

½ teaspoon baking powder

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon ground allspice

½ cup olive oil

Mix dry ingredients until blended.  Drizzle in the oil, then mix until all ingredients are coated and coarsely crumbly.

Press about 1/3 of the crumble mixture into bottom of prepared 9” square pan.



3 cups Jostaberries, stem and blossom tips removed

2 tablespoons oat flour

1/3 cup coconut sugar (or organic sugar)

1/8 teaspoon salt

zest and juice from one lemon or lime

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg


Mix all ingredients, then pour them over the crumble mix in the prepared pan.  Sprinkle over remaining crumble mix, then press down gently atop the filling.

Bake in preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes until golden and the filling is bubbling around edges.

Remove from oven.  Let cool for about 15 minutes. Serve warm or cold with fresh whipped cream or ice cream and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon.

Serves about 8.








JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – May 10

By Beet 2024 07 July


Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom):

Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG, Chair Member Services WG

Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG

Rob MacWhorter, President Elect

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large

Sandy Hammond, Member-at-Large

Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large

Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG

Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG

Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator

Board Members Absent:

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large

Pam Hillers, Archivist


Michael Hornbeek

Connie Lyssand

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 9:31am by President Barbara Low.

Additions to the Agenda:  Members requested the following topics be added to the agenda:  1) Review of Spring Garden Fair, 2) Update on the Creepy Old House, and 3) Recognizing members who are departing/retiring from the JCMGA.

Approval of the Agenda:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.

Approval of the Consent Agenda:   Ronnie Budge complimented Colet Allen on her OMGA report.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.  Motion passed

Approval of the Board Minutes from April 12, 2024:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the Board Minutes as written.  Motion passed.


  1. Marcie Katz provided a preliminary report on the 2024 Spring Garden Fair (SGF) outcome. Even with the heavy rain, many people attended on Saturday.  There were no significant issues due to good planning ahead by the SGF Working Group.  The vendors and food trucks did well.  SOREC Farm Manager Jake Hoyman was a huge help in getting the campus ready.  The 2025 SGF will need to be held off SOREC Campus as the fields used for parking will not be available.  The SGF WG is exploring returning to the Jackson County Expo Fairgrounds.   The SGF WG will come back to the Board with a recommendation.
  2. President Elect Rob MacWhorter raised the issue of how JCMGA recognizes those members who are departing or retiring from leadership roles in the association, e.g. members who will no longer serve as Practicum mentors. It was noted that several members are retiring for various reasons including Marcia Harris, Jane Moyer, Virginia Brown, Sherri Morgan, John Kobal, Rosenelle Florencechild, and possibly Ronnie Budge.  Recording Secretary Kathy Apple was directed by the Board to send correspondence to each of the above-named individuals expressing profound appreciation and gratitude for their service to JCMGA.
  3. President Barbara Low noted that the Medford Open Streets event will be held May 17th. JCMGA will have a booth with an education session on the benefits of planting tomatoes horizontally.
  4. Colet Allen and Janine Salvatti provided an update on organizing tours of the Demonstration Gardens for this year. Janine has been impressed with the appearance of the gardens this year and proposed offering tours to the general public later this month.
  5. Colet Allen provided an update on the OMGA Joy of Gardening conference to be held July 12-13th in Corvallis on the OSU Campus. Colet would like to see JCMGA have a prominent Southern Oregon presence this year at the conference.
  6. Creepy Old House: The house is owned by Jackson County which wants to demolish the house before the end of the fiscal year in June.  The plan is to begin June 2nd with the demolition lasting approximately three weeks.  Due to proximity to the house, the pot storage shelves and all containers and trays have been moved.   The prop house may be in danger of collateral damage.  Removal of the Creepy Old House will open the enclosure for the wheelbarrow cage on one side.  The Practicum has chain link fencing sections to enclose the open side temporarily while plans are made.  Board members also asked about the tool shed and Peggy’s shed.  This led to a discussion on various ideas about how to redesign the existing structures to meet the needs of JCMGA now and in the future.  The Board proposed a Design Ad Hoc Committee be formed to assess the current and future needs of the association and make recommendations to the Board including costs.

President’s Report:   President Barbara Low shared the following information with the Board:

  1. President Barbara Low introduced Michael Hornbeek who has been nominated as the Student Representative from the Class of 2024 to replace Janet Wright.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve Michael Hornbeek as the Student Representative from the Class of 2024.  Motion passed.

  1. President Low continues to meet monthly with MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic. This past month included SOREC Farm Manager Jake Hoyman to review preparations for the Spring Garden Fair.
  2. President Low introduced the new JCMGA website page for the Native Plant Nursery.
  3. The nominations for OMGA Awards from the OMGA Awards Nominations Committee has been sent to OMGA including longevity award certificates. The committee also is recommending Board approval to award Lynn Kunstman JCMGA lifetime membership.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve lifetime JCMGA membership for Lynn Kunstman.  Motion passed.

Finance Report:  Treasurer Keltie Nelson responded to questions from the Board regarding the April financial statements.

Membership Secretary Report:   Membership Secretary Ann Ackles reported to the Board on various improvements to the membership database and the membership renewal form.   The member directories for 2024 have been mailed.

MG Program Coordinator Report:  OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported that the 2024 MG class has finished.  Students are now accruing their required volunteer hours.   The Plant Clinic is doing well.  The Troon Vineyard tour is set for May 15th.  Grace requested that JCMGA have a booth at the Josephine County Summer Fair for July 19 & 20th in support of the Josephine County Master Gardener Association.  Grace reported that her time with both Jackson County and Josephine County has been manageable.

Practicum:  Jane Moyer reported that the Native Plant Nursery (NPN) has proposed a logo specific to the NPN that will be used in advertising, on Facebook, brochures, etc.  Jane will email a copy of the proposed logo to the Board for approval at the June Board meeting.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am.

Next Meeting:

  1. The next Board meeting will be held June 14, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am and will include the annual membership meeting.
  2. The next retreat will be held May 24th from 9:30am to 11:30am with topics including Spring Garden Update, the Design Ad Hoc Committee update, and review of the current strategic plan.

Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary



JCMGA Board Retreat Meeting Minutes – May 24

By Beet 2024 07 July

Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom):


Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG, Chair Member Services WG

Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large

Sandy Hammond, Member-at-Large

Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large

Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large

Pam Hillers, Archivist

Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG

Michael Hornbeek, Student Representative

Susan Koenig, Co-Chair Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator

Board Members Absent:        

Rob MacWhorter, President Elect

Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 9:30am by President Barbara Low.

Additions to the Agenda:  Members requested the following topics be added to the agenda:  1) Discuss possible use of Winter Dreams Summer Gardens presentation recordings; 2) Reminder by Janine Salvatti regarding the public tours of the demonstration gardens today from 11:00am to 2:00pm.

Review of the Strategic Plan:  President Barbara Low guided the review of progress towards completion of the 2024 Strategic Plan.  During discussion the Board made various changes to which Working Group had primary responsibility for objectives, formatting changes, and clarifying edits.  The Board also discussed JCMGA’s relationship with the Oregon Master Gardener Association.

Winter Dreams Summer Gardens (WDSG) Discussion:    WDSG Co-Chair Susan Koenig led a discussion seeking feedback on various ways recorded WDSG presentations might be used for further education.  Various ideas included:

  • Show recording at a monthly gathering for current members
  • Use with inactive members to help reengage them
  • Offer as opportunity for continuing education hours
  • Lend recordings to libraries
  • Use in Speakers Bureau
  • Offer to Master Gardeners throughout the state and/or the country
  • Offer catalog of presentations for free on the JCMGA website

Questions were raised as to whether JCMGA would have legal permission to reuse presentation or to charge fees for repeated use of the recordings.

Spring Garden Fair (SGF) Update:  Spring Garden Fair Co-Chairs Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki provided another review of the SGF outcome.  The net revenue earned will not be known until the end of May.  Since SOREC will be renting the fields that were used for parking, JCMGA will need to find another location for the 2025 SGF.  Jackson County Expo Fairgrounds appears to be a viable alternative, specifically the Mace Building.  A preliminary expense budget was reviewed.  Practicum and Native Plants will go under a covered patio area.  JCMGA will be able to charge an admission fee as was done historically.  The Barnstormer’s Spring Market will be held the same weekend in 2025 and could boost admission to the SGF.

Design Ad Hoc Committee:   Jane Moyer presented for feedback, a first draft of a potential design for reconstructing the area next to the Creepy Old House once it is demolished.  The design includes a tool shed, a lathe house, a practicum classroom, practicum storage, a new greenhouse, a propagation house and a wheelbarrow & wagon cage.  It is unclear what issues may arise with the county and county requirements.  Peggy’s propagation greenhouse, the tool shed, and the Practicum Plant Infirmary will need to be removed.   Since this greenhouse has asbestos, it is unclear what removal will entail or how much it will cost.  The current committee includes Jane Moyer as Chair, Barbara Low, Colet Allen, Regula Pepi, Lucy Pylkki, Rob MacWhorter, Marcie Katz, Janine Salvatti, and Grace Florjancic.

Membership Discussion:  This agenda item was tabled for discussion at a later date.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.

Next Meeting:

  1. The next Board meeting will be held June 14, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am and will include the annual membership meeting.

Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

OMGA 2nd Quarter Board Meeting Minutes

By Beet 2024 07 July

OMGA 2nd Quarter Board Meeting Agenda

June 7, 2024, 3:30 PM   Zoom

June 7, 2024     3:30 pm    Zoom
Agenda Item Discussion/Notes Discussion Leader
Welcome, Agenda Review Chris opened the meeting at 3:31 and called rolll:

Benton Co. – Paula, Central Gorge – Carol, Central Oregon – Karen, Clackamas – not represented , Clatsop – Missy Bright, Columbia – not represented, Coos – Mary Dixson, Curry – Julia Bott, Douglas – Patrice Sipos, Jackson – Colet Allen, Josephine – not represented, Lane – not represented, Lincoln – Laura Strom, Linn – Janice, Marion – Jim, Multnomah – Rich Becker, Polk – Sharon Hill, Tillamook – Diane Devens, Umatilla – Cary Wasem-Varela, Wasco – Dana Greyson

Washington – Debbie

Yamhill – Nancy

Chris Rusch
Additions to the Agenda – Approval        . All
Approval of the Minutes of March meeting Let Chris know if there are any changes needed. Minutes are on the website All
OSU Extension Program Coordinator report ●       Portland has a waiting list of 3,000 people who want to take the MG training. OSU is looking into other pathways for MG. Some people may not want full certification.  Jackson Co has implemented a “Friends of the Garden” pathway. Many people do not recertify but could or are very close. So, looking into how to support recertification efforts.

●       OSU is piloting a new onboarding system for new volunteers which may be used to facilitate recertification/form signing.  This will take some of the labor off of the program coordinators.

●       Would like updates on Seed to Supper.  There were 19 documented S2S classes offered this year. There will be major revisions in program materials this year. Will be looking for a new S2S partner.

Dr. Leslie Madsen
2nd Quarter Financial Report Year to Date Unable to attend, emailed prior to meeting

Link to the Google Sheet (from Janet’s email)

Database/List Serve ●       Missy has pared down the information so just email and phone contact info but not addresses.  She has a link on the spreadsheet to the OSU county websites with all of the addresses, direct emails, etc.

●       She is working on updating a list of county websites with their logos.

●       She will share a link to the Google Spreadsheet without editing rights. We can make our own copy to sort, edit, or download.

●       Missy is also updating the Gaggle Listserv as each name costs money. The decision was to include presidents and reps.

Link to the Google Sheet   (from Missy’s email)

Missy Bright
Newsletter Ann Kinkley
Historian updates Available online. Linda Coakley
Joy of Gardening Conference update ●       Early bird registration ends June 15th.  There are over 140 registered and the goal is at least 200 people.  The registration process and website have been very streamlined this year.  More information is available on the OMGA website.


●       Janice sent the number of people from each county registered at JOG so far. Colet has challenged her county to fill a table.


●       Silent auction update – things are going well, heard from six chapters (which is normal for this time).  Items will need to be delivered Friday morning of the conference. There will be volunteers to help bring things in. Use the north entrance.


Please send Paula a brief description and the estimated retail value. We ask for the equivalent of $300-350 (10 items of $30-35). The sweet spot is between $25-50.  The value of expensive items is rarely recouped.   There has never been a minimum required bid and Paula is disinclined to do that. They average about 65% of the posted retail value overall.  Paula will put together a bidding system for us to consider (minimum bids, etc.).


Counties can also donate cash rather than items.












Awards and Grants The deadline was May 15th.  We received applications from Douglas and Polk counties for the Extension Educator grants.  We did not receive any Search for Excellence applications. Several other applications were received and funds will be awarded. Chris
Advocacy report No updates from previous report. Laura Strom
Website committee report The committee has been in a holding pattern. The next meeting will be in August. They will look at the website structure (links, pathways, etc.). Secondary concerns will be updating the look of the site.  There will also be some updates to language upon committee approval (Growing & Belonging). Leslie/Missy/Laura
New Business
MOU Review, committee request We will form a committee after the conference to work on updating our MOU with OSU.  The current Memorandum is on the website. Chris
Vote on request from Josephine County County Commissioners have decided to defund the extension program so MG’s status is up in the air.  They will vote on the budget at the end of June. If they are defunded, they will have to move out of their building very quickly. Funds will be held in a savings account for a year in the event that new commissioners are voted in and things change and/or they can reorganize.


Motion:  Paula moves that OMGA be the trustees of JC’s funds for a maximum of three years and revisit each year.   Seconded:  Patrice    All in favor.
