- “Friends of the Gardens” Logo Development Contest - January 31, 2024
- “Friends of the Gardens” Logo Development Contest - December 31, 2023
The Jackson County Master Gardeners Association would like you to enter the Friends of the Gardens Logo Development Contest. You could win a $25 gift certificate for the JCMGA’s native plant nursery. We will feature the winner in the March Garden Beet.
As we look to expand our volunteers through the “Friends of the Gardens” program we would like a unique logo for the program. If you have artistic skills, please enter our contest! The logo would be use on letterheads, JCMGA website, posters and flyers to catch a gardener’s eye and will be used to brand and promote this program.
So, pull out your drawing implements, paints, or computer skills and send in your ideas! Please submit an electronic copy of your design. We plan on using the design when advertising the Friends of the Gardens program. The design would become the property of JCMGA. We would like the finished design to be in either jpg or Word format and submitted by 5 pm on Thursday, February 15th, 2024.
Designs are to be submitted to the JCMGA President, Barbara Low barbaralow@msn.com