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Help researchers track Oregon’s seasons

By August 30, 2020Beet September 2020

Dear Gardeners,

Happy September! Fall is just around the corner. I want to give a big “thank you” to all those who have been working so hard in the demonstration gardens at SOREC. They are thriving thanks to your dedication! A big “thank you” to our virtual Plant Clinic mentors as well, who continue to serve the public’s home horticulture needs remotely. I also want to thank those who are participating in the Citizen Science gypsy moth monitoring project in partnership with the ODA and OSU Extension. Max Bennett, our Forester at SOREC, is very grateful for all of the Master Gardeners who stepped up to help with the project; the contribution from volunteers is significant and has made the monitoring project possible.

Here is another fantastic, COVID-safe citizen science opportunity with OSU:
Join Oregon Season Tracker: Contributing to 
Community-based Science
Do you like being outdoors and the idea of contributing to scientific research? If so, become a community-based citizen scientist volunteer with the OSU Extension Oregon Season Tracker Program that connects local community volunteers with state and national researchers studying weather and the effects on native plant vegetation.
We train volunteers to collect and report local data on precipitation and seasonal plant changes using simple protocols and low cost equipment.

Volunteers collect data from their home, farm, ranch, woodland or in schoolyards.
Data are reported online to be archived and shared with researchers at OSU and across the country.

Fall is the start of the new water year and a great time to join.

Take a free on-line training at home at your own pace (approx. 2 hours)

Order a CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network)-approved rain gauge (approx. $35)

Participate in an optional Zoom meeting to build skills and get your questions answered
Start reporting data online from your computer or using free apps on your smartphone
Oregon Season Tracker Training:

Online self-paced training: Fall 2020 (self-paced open September through November)
Optional Zoom Sessions (attend one):

Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020, 6-7 pm OR Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020, 2-3 pm

To register go to the OSU Extension Oregon Season Tracker website,

For more information contact Jody at or call 541-713-5014

Take care and be well,


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