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JCMGA Annual Picnic August 19, 2023

Barbara Low
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The Jackson County Master Gardener Association annual picnic was held at the SOREC Extension on Saturday, August 19th.  We had a wonderful time – good friends, delicious food, wonderful conversations. As part of our picnic, we briefly reviewed what we have accomplished as an organization this year!  Lots to celebrate!

  • Special thank you to Joe Alvord for stepping up at the last moment to BBQ our meat for the picnic!
  • Special thank you to Colet Allen for doing all the grocery shopping for this event!
  • Special thank you to our hard-working Member Services Working Group – Lucy Pylkki, Marcie Katz, Grace Florjancic, Linda Millus, Sandy Hansen, Trina Stout, Colet Allen and Barbara Low – for their work behind the scenes.

Also, a BIG thank you to Marcie Katz, our president, for her support, energy, and positive attitude during this challenging year.

Several people were recognized during this event for what they have done for JCMGA.  Below is a list of the awards that were given out.

Special Recognitions –

  • Grace Florjancic- “Compassionately Committed Coordinator” for stepping up and giving your full support and more to JCMGA
  • Jane Moyer & Lynn Kunstman — “Leadership through Example” for their above and beyond planning, teaching and leading the Practicum and its Mentors smoothly through new waters.
  • Keltie Nelson – “Master of the MailChimps” for her clever doctoring and timely ability to send the MailChimp communications to the members.
  • Sandy Hansen – “Fabulous Facebook Facilitator” for keeping our Facebook page looking professional, current and fun.
  • * Sean Cawley & Keltie Nelson – “Financial Wizards” who laboriously work with QuickBooks to manage our accounts, keeping us on track and out of the red.
  • Janine Salvatti – “Having A Keen Eye” producing the 2023 Directory cover photograph and inspiration for beautifying the gardens with Mosaic Glass.
  • Sandy Hammond, Lucy Pylkki, Sandy Hansen – “Event Organizers Extraordinaire” for their ambitious dedication and hard work bringing the Spring Garden Fair back to life in a new venue.
  • Heidi Gehrmann – “Amazing Program Support” for stepping up to facilitate the JCMGA through our transition between Program Coordinators.
  • Laurel Briggs – “Webmaster Wonder Woman” for expert problem solving and updating our JCMGA presence in the digital world.
  • Lisa Brill – “Excellence in Editing” for all the wonderful work “spit and polishing” our Garden Beet submissions.
  • Susan Koenig, Colet Allen, Barbara Low – “Virtual Ambassadors” for successfully leading the way taking Winter Dreams/Summer Gardens from limited capacity in-person classrooms to virtual classes and finding excellent speakers that teach plant science which now reach a much larger expanded audience.


State Master Gardeners Awards Nominees (these people were nominated for the specific award by JCMGA)

  • Susan Koenig – State Behind the Scenes Award
  • Jim Buck – State Growing and Belonging Award

State Master Gardener Awards Recipients 2023

  • Lynn Kunstman – State Master Gardener of the Year Award


County Master Gardeners Awards Recipients 2023

  • John Kobal – County Master Gardener of the Year Award
  • Regina Boykins – County Behind the Scenes Award
  • Trina Stout – County Growing and Belonging Award


Oregon Master Gardeners Association Longevity Awards

20-year Recipients:

Jim Becker 2001
Vickie Rader Belknap 1996
Richard Brewer 2003
Sydney Jordan Brown 2000
Jean Buck 2003
JoAnn Dixon 1994
Sheila Gleim 2000
Linda Holder 1998
Richard Hoskins 1998
Bob Law 1997
Claudia Law 1996
Joan Long 1998
Susan Maesen 1999
Lupe McHenry 1995
Regula Pepi 2003
Linda Robertson 2001
Carol Robinson 1999
David Rugg 2000
James Scannell 1997
Donna Smith 2000
Nicki Van Vleck 1998
Darcy Van Vuren 2002
Shannon Wolff 1996
Jody Willis 2003


30-year Recipients:

Becky Belau 1990
Peggy Corum 1989
Sam Elliott 1993
Betty Hewitt 1989
Liz Koester 1988
Ron Nitsos 1986
Ellen Scannell 1993