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JCMGA Board Minutes – December 2023

By January 31, 2024Beet 2024 02 February
Jane Moyer
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Jackson County Master Gardener Association

Board of Directors Meeting


December 8, 2023

The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Zoom at 9:30 a.m. with President

Marcie Katz presiding.

Present in person: Marcie Katz, Barbara Low, Janine Salvatti, Sean Cawley, Keltie Nelson, Lucy Pylkki, Colet Allen, Sandy Hammond, Cassandra Toews, Dee Copley, Rob MacWhorter

Present by Zoom: Kathy Apple, Regula Pepi, Ronnie Budge, Jane Moyer

Absent: Pam Hillers, Trina Stout, Grace Florjancic

Guests: Lynn Kunstman, John Kobal, Ann Ackles, Becky Cohn

Consent Agenda:

  1. Barbara Low asked that a thank you card be sent to Travis Curtis Construction for his                  contribution of an additional ADA compliant path in the Lavender Garden.  Jane

Moyer agreed to send one along with a donation form.

  1. Barbara Low thanked Janine Salvatti for including 2024 Gardens Working Group

meeting dates in the GWG board report.  Barbara would like all working groups to do

this so she can post them on the JCMGA calendar.

  1. Barbara Low reminded the board members the JCMGA website has not been updated

yet but will be soon.

Colet Allen moved and Keltie Nelson seconded the Consent Agenda be accepted.  Motion


Additions to the Agenda: none

Approval of Agenda: Janine Salvatti moved to have the agenda approved as written.  Colet

Allen seconded.  The motion passed.

Approval of Minutes: Ronnie Budge moved and Barbara Low seconded the November board

meeting minutes be approved as written. The motion passed.


  1. Janine Salvatti inquired how to award the plaque made for Irv Johnson that was going

to be given to him after today’s meeting.  It was decided, due to his passing, his family

would be invited to the January meeting to receive it.  A moment of silence in honor

of Irv was held.  (See Attachment #1.)

  1. Jane Moyer announced the paths in the Lavender Garden are finished and invited

board members see them.  Travis Curtis still needs to sign the contracts to receive

payment.  He is planning to meet with Jane next week.  Jane will be sending a

thank you note to Kendyl Berkowitz for arranging the grant for JCMGA and to Travis

Curtis for donating an additional length of pathway paving.

  1. Three newly elected members-at-large have agreed to join working groups: Randa

Linthwaite will co-chair the Marketing and Technology WG with Barbara Low, Becky

Cohn will join the Fundraising and Community Outreach Working Groups, and Rob

MacWhorter joined the Community Outreach Working Group.

  1. Sean Cawley announced Grace Florjancic will head a Master Gardener committee that

will work in conjunction with SOREC Director Alec Levin and the SOREC Advisory                             Committee to develop the plan for the renovation of the gardens.  Colet Allen asked

quarterly updates be included in the Gardens Working Group board report.

  1. Treasurer-elect Keltie Nelson announced December 15 would be the last day for

submitting 2023 reimbursement requests.

Coordinator’s Report:  Master Gardener Coordinator Grace Florjancic was out of town so there

was no Coordinators Report except in the board reports in Dropbox.

Discussion items: 

  1. Treasurer-elect Keltie Nelson lead the board through a review of the 2024 budget

proposed by the Budget Committee.  (See Attachment #2.)  The 2024 board will

vote on the budget at the January meeting.  Ronnie Budge thanked the Budget

Committee members (Keltie Nelson, Sean Cawley, Marcie Katz, Barbara Low, Lucy

Pyllki, Lisa Brill, Jane Moyer) for their work on the budget.

  1. Kathy Apple and Barbara Low lead the board through the changes proposed in the

JCMGA Bylaws, Articles of Association, and the Policy Manual by the Governing

Documents Committee.  (See Attachments #3.)

  1. John Kobal, School Grants chair from the Community Outreach Working Group,

presented the list of schools receiving School Garden Grants.  Only four schools

applied.  (See Attachment #4.). Students will be involved in the Jefferson Community

Garden.  They have asked for Master Gardener help in training both students and

community members involved.

Motion Items:

  1. At the October board meeting, it was suggested the governing documents of JCMGA

be added back to the JCMGA Chapter Directory.  Barbara Low reported the Governing

Documents Committee (formerly the Bylaws Committee) realized that would almost

double the cost of printing so suggested instead that a small booklet containing the

governing documents be printed for each board member and anyone else who

requested one.  Keltie Nelson moved and Jane Moyer seconded the board rescind

                the decision to include the bylaws, the articles of association, and the policies and

                procedures in the membership directory and instead provide these as separate

                documents to board members and anyone requesting them.  Motion approved.

The governing documents will continue to also be found on the member side of the

JCMGA website.


  1. Treasurer-elect Keltie Nelson announced an anonymous donor has offered to pay half

the $2500 allocated for a student scholarship at OSU on condition the donated fund

be used only for the scholarship.  Keltie Nelson moved the board approve the

                anonymous donation of $1,250 be used solely to supplement JCMGA’s scholarship

                amount of $1,250 so that a scholarship may be awarded to an OSU student for

                $2,500 in 2024.  Jane Moyer seconded.  Unanimous approval.  

  1. Jane Moyer requested, in the interests of time, “Future Lathe Housebe postponed

to the January meeting.                                                                                   


MEETING ADJOURNED: President Marcie Katz adjourned the meeting at 11:30.


NEXT MEETING: Board Meeting Friday January 12, 2024, 9:00 chit-chat, 9:30 meeting


Submitted by Jane Moyer, Recording Secretary