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JCMGA Board of Directors October Meeting Minutes

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Jane Moyer
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Jackson County Master Gardener Association

Board of Directors Meeting


October 13, 2023

The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Zoom at 9:32 a.m. with President

Marcie Katz presiding.

Present: Marcie Katz, Regula Pepi, Barbara Low, Janine Salvatti, Marcia Harris, Kathy Apple, Colet Allen, Sandy Hammond, Sean Cawley, Pam Hillers, Ronnie Budge, Keltie Nelson, Lucy

Pylkki, Trina Stout, Cassandra Toews, Dee Copley

Absent: Rob MacWhorter

Consent Agenda:  Barbara Low noted that Margaret Saydah has resigned as Membership Secretary.  Barbara and Keltie Nelson have offered to fill in until a new membership secretary is elected.  Ronnie Budge moved and Janine Salvatti seconded the board reports be

approved with this addition.  Unanimous approval.

Additions to the Agenda:

  1. Barbara Low reminded the board that the suggestion to make the Bylaws Committee

a standing committee was carried over from the September meeting.

  1. Barbara Low reminded the board that the treasurer was going to provide the meaning

of “PSP” in the financial reports.

  1. Jane Moyer asked that the Practicum funding request be removed from the agenda.
  2. Colet Allen asked that “Links from the library” be added to the agenda.
  3. Jane Moyer asked to have “Sale of the blue barrels” be added to the agenda.

Approval of Agenda: Colet Allen moved to have the agenda approved as amended.  Kathy

Apple seconded.  Motion passed.

Approval of Minutes: Ronnie Budge moved and Pam Hillers seconded the September board

meeting minutes be approved. The motion passed.


  1. Treasurer Sean Cawley explained “PSP” means Program Special Project
  2. Lucy Pylkki asked about the location of the hot spots. They are needed for use of

Square at the Fall Festival.  If they can’t be located, the hot spot from the Plant Clinic

will be used.

  1. Sandy Hammond announced cash boxes for the Fall Festival have been prepared.
  2. Sandy Hammond reminded board members that set up for the Fall Festival will begin

at 1:00 today.  The festival is scheduled for 9:00–2:00 Saturday October 14.

  1. Barbara Low reported that registration for the Winter Dreams Summer Gardens

Symposium has been slow.  Only 60 people have registered so far.


  1. Barbara Low reminded board members that graduation will be held 5:30–8:00

Saturday November 4.  Practicum mentors and GEMs are encouraged to submit

names of students who went above and beyond for student awards.

  1. Jane Moyer reported the Fundraising Working Group has sold the barbeque for $500.


Coordinator’s Report:  Coordinator Grace Florjancic is on vacation.

Discussion items: 

  1. Kathy Apple reminded board members that, according to the JCMGA Bylaws, elected

officers include president, president-elect, immediate past president, recording

secretary, membership secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, OMGA

representative, archivist, and five members-at-large, but not a vice-president.  The

term “vice-president” should not be used in place of “president-elect.”

  1. Barbara Low reported the Bylaws Committee will be meeting in November to review

Procedures and Policies along with the bylaws.  Pam Hillers had suggested this

committee become a standing committee; however, after discussion, she withdrew

her suggestion.  She suggested instead that the bylaws be included in the JCMGA

directory as well as on the website.

  1. Jane Moyer relayed a conversation with Extension Manager Heidi Gehman concerning     resuming the zero-waste effort (Policy 1.6 ” The JCMGA will move toward zero-waste.)

Jane will work with Heidi to find containers acceptable to Alec Levin.

  1. Colet Allen reported she is working with the Jackson Co. Library System to have

presentations made by Master Gardeners at any of the libraries, through the JCMGA

Speakers Bureau, recorded and put on YouTube with links on the JCMGA website.

She would also like the links to be put on Facebook and in The Garden Beet.

  1. Irving Johnson is retiring from being a GEM in the Lavender Garden. It was suggested

he be given an award for his diligent service even with health problems.  He will be

invited to a board meeting to receive the reward.

Motion Items:

  1. President-elect Barbara Low presented the slate of nominees for 2024 JCMGA elected

officers.  (See attached.)  There are currently no candidates for president-elect and

assistant treasurer.  The current assistant-treasurer commented that, since hiring a

professional bookkeeper, she doesn’t think there is a need for an assistant treasurer.

If these positions remain unfilled, the president can appoint Master Gardeners to fill

them with board approval.  Barbara Low, on behalf of the Nominating Committee,

                moved to accept the slate of nominees as presented.  Unanimous approval. The

voting will be online with paper ballots sent to those who don’t have internet access.

Ballots will be posted and Mail Chimps sent to JCMGA members by October 23, with

voting to be completed by November 4.  The JCMGA bylaws dictate “The election

tellers shall be the Membership Secretary (Barbara Low), the Recording Secretary

(Jane Moyer), and a board member appointed by the president (Pam Hillers).”


  1. Treasurer Sean Cawley announced Rogue Credit Union needs a letter signed by both

the JCMGA President and Recording Secretary stating the treasurer and assistant

treasurer have permission to manage the association CD’s.  Sean Cawley, on behalf of

                the Financial Committee, moved to submit such a letter.  Unanimous approval.

  1. On behalf of the Master Gardener Practicum, Jane Moyer moved the blue barrels

                previously used in Greenhouse #2 be sold for $20 each or 3/$50.  Unanimous

                approval.  They will be sold at the Fall Festival and Sean Cawley offered to advertise

them to the Land Stewards.


MEETING ADJOURNED: President Marcie Katz adjourned the meeting at 11:09.


NEXT MEETING: Board Meeting Thursday, November 9, 2023 (due to Veterans Day observance on Friday November 10), 9:00 chit-chat, 9:30 meeting


Submitted by Jane Moyer, Recording Secretary