- JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2024 - December 31, 2024
- JCMGA Board Minutes – October 11 2024 - December 1, 2024
- JCMGA Fall Board Retreat Meeting Minutes October 4, 2024 - October 31, 2024
Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom):
Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG, Chair Member Services WG
Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG
Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG
Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer
Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary
Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary
Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG
Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG
Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large
Sandy Hammond, Member-at-Large
Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large
Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG
Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large
Pam Hillers, Archivist
Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG
Michael Hornbeek, Student Representative
Susan Koenig, Co-Chair Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG
Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator
Board Members Absent:
Rob MacWhorter, President Elect
Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:30am by President Barbara Low.
Additions to the Agenda: Members requested the following topics be added to the agenda: 1) Discuss possible use of Winter Dreams Summer Gardens presentation recordings; 2) Reminder by Janine Salvatti regarding the public tours of the demonstration gardens today from 11:00am to 2:00pm.
Review of the Strategic Plan: President Barbara Low guided the review of progress towards completion of the 2024 Strategic Plan. During discussion the Board made various changes to which Working Group had primary responsibility for objectives, formatting changes, and clarifying edits. The Board also discussed JCMGA’s relationship with the Oregon Master Gardener Association.
Winter Dreams Summer Gardens (WDSG) Discussion: WDSG Co-Chair Susan Koenig led a discussion seeking feedback on various ways recorded WDSG presentations might be used for further education. Various ideas included:
- Show recording at a monthly gathering for current members
- Use with inactive members to help reengage them
- Offer as opportunity for continuing education hours
- Lend recordings to libraries
- Use in Speakers Bureau
- Offer to Master Gardeners throughout the state and/or the country
- Offer catalog of presentations for free on the JCMGA website
Questions were raised as to whether JCMGA would have legal permission to reuse presentation or to charge fees for repeated use of the recordings.
Spring Garden Fair (SGF) Update: Spring Garden Fair Co-Chairs Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki provided another review of the SGF outcome. The net revenue earned will not be known until the end of May. Since SOREC will be renting the fields that were used for parking, JCMGA will need to find another location for the 2025 SGF. Jackson County Expo Fairgrounds appears to be a viable alternative, specifically the Mace Building. A preliminary expense budget was reviewed. Practicum and Native Plants will go under a covered patio area. JCMGA will be able to charge an admission fee as was done historically. The Barnstormer’s Spring Market will be held the same weekend in 2025 and could boost admission to the SGF.
Design Ad Hoc Committee: Jane Moyer presented for feedback, a first draft of a potential design for reconstructing the area next to the Creepy Old House once it is demolished. The design includes a tool shed, a lathe house, a practicum classroom, practicum storage, a new greenhouse, a propagation house and a wheelbarrow & wagon cage. It is unclear what issues may arise with the county and county requirements. Peggy’s propagation greenhouse, the tool shed, and the Practicum Plant Infirmary will need to be removed. Since this greenhouse has asbestos, it is unclear what removal will entail or how much it will cost. The current committee includes Jane Moyer as Chair, Barbara Low, Colet Allen, Regula Pepi, Lucy Pylkki, Rob MacWhorter, Marcie Katz, Janine Salvatti, and Grace Florjancic.
Membership Discussion: This agenda item was tabled for discussion at a later date.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.
Next Meeting:
- The next Board meeting will be held June 14, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am and will include the annual membership meeting.
Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary