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JCMGA November Board Minutes

By December 31, 2023Beet 2024 01 January
Jane Moyer
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Jackson County Master Gardener Association

Board of Directors Meeting  Minutes

November 9, 2023

The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Zoom at 9:40 a.m. with President

Marcie Katz presiding.

Present: Marcie Katz, Regula Pepi, Barbara Low, Janine Salvatti, Kathy Apple, Sean Cawley,

Pam Hillers, Ronnie Budge, Keltie Nelson, Lucy Pylkki, Cassandra Toews, Grace Florjancic, Jane


Absent: Rob MacWhorter, Marcia Harris, Colet Allen, Sandy Hammond, Trina Stout, Dee


Guests: Lynn Kunstman

Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was accepted with unanimous approval.


Additions to the Agenda:

  1. Barbara Low asked that 2024 working group chairs be announced.
  2. Sean Cawley asked that purchase of a dump trailer be added to the agenda.

Approval of Agenda: Janine Salvatti moved to have the agenda approved as amended. 

Barbara Low seconded.  Motion passed.

Approval of Minutes: Barbara Low noted the following information was missing in the October minutes: ballots for 2024 board positions will be sent out October 23 and returned by November 4.  Pam Hillers was named as the third person tallying the votes.  Ronnie Budge moved and Keltie Nelson seconded the October board meeting minutes be approved as

amended. The motion passed.


  1. Barbara Low announced 75 people attended graduation.  The program was planned

by Grace Florjancic and Jane Moyer.  The dinner was delicious.  Set up and take down

went well.

  1. Barbara Low reported 135 people attended the Winter Dreams Summer Gardens

Symposium.  A survey was sent to attendees on November 5.  Recordings of the

classes will be sent to attendees soon.

  1. Barbara Low announced the Member Services Working Group has set the date for the

2024 picnic on June 29 due to the amount of smoke in August.

  1. Barbara Low reported the Member Services Working Group has sent out a survey to

all JCMGA members to find out what they like about the association and asking for

suggestions they would like to see implemented.  The date for completion is

November 20 with a report planned for the December board meeting.

  1. Jane Moyer reported work on the Lavender Garden ADA-compliant paths was delayed

because the contractor contracted COVID.  He started work on them this week.

Tellers Election Report: President Marcie Katz read the list of officers who were elected to the 2024 Board. (See Attachment #1.). There were no candidates for President-elect or Assistant Treasurer.  Article III Section 7 of the JCMGA Bylaws states “Unfilled Positions. If there is no nominee for a position at the time the ballots are sent, and votes are received for write-in candidates, and if these candidates have not received a majority of the votes cast, they are not automatically elected. The President shall recommend an individual to fill the position and present the name to the Board. A majority vote of the Board shall be required to fill the position.”

Orientation for the 2024 board is scheduled for December 1.  They will also be invited to

attend the December board meeting.  The 2024 officers assume their positions on January 1.

Coordinator’s Report:

  1. MG Coordinator Grace Florjancic will be in Josephine Co. on Thursday afternoons until

their new coordinator arrrives.

  1. Grace will be out of town the last part of December. She’ll have her computer if

anyone needs to contact her.

  1. SOREC Director Alec Levin is moving ahead with plans for building student housing

where the Vegetable Garden and Orchard are now located and a farm office at the

south end of the open barn. The Creepy Old House will be torn down in 2024.  (See

Attachment #2 and #3.)

  1. Grace will contact Alec about Practicum mentors going into the old MGP classroom to

retrieve what is still in there and to take pictures of the wall murals.

Discussion items: 

  1. Finding new ways to offset SOREC fees: postponed until the December meeting.
  2. Purchase of dump trailer: referred to 2024 Budget Committee.


Motion Items:

  1. Janine Salvatti moved and Kathy Apple seconded approving up to $100 for a plaque

                to be given to Irving Johnson at the December board meeting for all his work in the

                Lavender Garden.

  1. Purchase of laptop and laser printer for JCMGA use: Keltie Nelson moved $2500 of

                donated funds be dedicated towards the purchase of a laptop and laser printer to

                be kept at Lynn Kunstman’s home and used for Native Plants Nursery and other

                presentations.  A process for other committees or Working Groups to check the

                laptop out will be developed.  Janine Salvatti seconded.  Unanimous approval.





  1. Barbara Low moved the following Working Group chairs be approved for 2024:

Marketing and Technology–vacant

                        Community Outreach–Ronnie Budge

                        Fundraising–Jane Moyer

                        Gardens–Janine Salvatti

                        Member Services–Barbara Low

                        Spring Garden Fair–Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki

                        Winter Dreams Summer Gardens–Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, Barbara Low 

                Kathy Apple seconded.  Unanimous approval.                                                                                           



MEETING ADJOURNED: President Marcie Katz adjourned the meeting at 10:57.


NEXT MEETING: Board Meeting Friday December 8, 2023 (hybrid), 9:00 chit-chat, 9:30 meeting


Submitted by Jane Moyer, Recording Secretary