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JCMGA Working Group Updates

Barbara Low
Latest posts by Barbara Low (see all)

Community Outreach Working Group

Chair:  Ronnie Budge

JCMGA will be participating in the Medford Open Street Event on May 20th from noon-4:00 p.m.  We will have a booth by Hawthorne Park.  If you are interested in volunteering to help man the booth, please contact Barbara Low ,  The Speakers Bureau is being updated and enlarged which is being spear headed by Colet Allen.



Chair:  Sandy Hammond

This working group has been busy working on fundraising projects – RV Garden Guides, Spring Garden Fair – and looking into future fundraising projects.  They have been looking at potential grants to fund JCMGA projects/needs.


Gardens Working Group

Chair:  Janine Salvatti

This working group has been busy preparing the gardens for visitors to enjoy.  New signage has been installed.  They are looking for volunteers who would be interested in working in a Demonstration Garden.


Marketing & Technology Working Group

Chair: Marcia Harris

Sandy Hansen has stepped down as chair and Marcia Harris is now the chair of this working group.  This group has developed a new JCMGA brochure and JCMGA magnets.  They are working on continuing to get the JCMGA name out to the public.


Member Services Working Group

Chair: Barbara Low

The 2023 Chapter Directory should be coming out soon.  This working group is working on retaining current members and getting new members.  They are starting to plan for the JCMGA Annual Picnic which will be on August 19th.



Program Support Working Group

Chair: Grace Florjancic

The Program Support Working Group is happy to announce that the full schedule for the Community Education Classes has been posted. These classes are open to everyone in the community to come and learn. Tell your friends, your family, and the little gnomes that live in your garden to check out the schedule for interesting classes.

Register Here:


Spring Garden Fair

Chair – Sandy Hammond

Things are coming together for this year’s Spring Garden Fair – May 6th.  Lots of planning and organizing being done.


Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2023 Symposium

Co-chairs:  Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, Barbara Low

We have been busily working on planning and recruiting speakers for our upcoming WDSG.

Lori Ross has joined the group.