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JCMGA Working Groups Summaries



Community Outreach Working Group

We are continuing to update the Speakers Bureau and updating the vetting process for potential speakers.

Talks are continuing concerning the concept of “Friends of JCMGA”.

Since the Member Services WG is discussing the same subject, we will have a joint meeting to discuss the idea of “Friends of JCMGA” on June 19th.



chair is Sandy Hammond

The FUNrasing working group meets on the 3rd Friday of each month in the conference room. We do have fun tossing around ideas and seeing which ones will work. Part of the FRWG is grant writing, Garden Guides sales and bottle and can return.

We have started planning the Fall Festival, which will be October 14th.


Garden Working Group

Chair is Janine Salvatti

Garden Tours have started in our Demonstration Gardens.

We have also been busy getting new signage for the gardens.


Marketing and Technology Working Group

chair is Marcia Harris

We have been busy looking at the technology which JCMGA has and asking if it meets our current and future needs.


Member Services Working Group

chair is Barbara Low

We are busy planning the Membership Picnic, which will be Saturday, August 19th.

We have also started planning the Class of 2023 Graduation, which will be Saturday, November 4th.

Talks are continuing concerning the concept of “Friends of JCMGA”.

Since the Member Services WG is discussing the same subject, we will have a joint meeting on Monday, June 19th,  to discuss the idea of “Friends of JCMGA”.



chair is Sandy Hammond

It was a great success!!!


Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group

chairs are Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, and Barbara Low

We have been busy organizing the Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2023 Symposium.  This virtual event will be October 27, 28, November 3, and 4.

We have secured our 14 speakers on a wide variety of topics.

More details to follow.