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June in the Garden

Barbara Low
Latest posts by Barbara Low (see all)

I am continuing this series of articles and hope that you find them helpful and inspiring. In June, there is quite a bit to do in the garden depending on what you want to grow.  Our gardens still need to be cared for so that they will do well, and we will have a plentiful harvest. By caring for our gardens, we are also caring for ourselves – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The Jackson County Master Gardener Association has a great resource for gardeners to use. It is the Garden Guide for the Rogue Valley – Year-Round & Month by Month.  This great reference book for gardeners is mainly about growing vegetables, berries, and melons.

June is the time to:

  • This is the time to plan the fall and winter garden.
  • Plants which you can plant as seed outside (make sure to check the soil temperature)
o   Amaranth

o   Beans

o   Carrots

o   Corn

o   Dill

o   Leeks

o   Malabar Spinach

o   Lettuce

o   Okra

o   Pumpkin

o   Summer Savory




o   Basil

o   Beets

o   Chervil

o   Cucumbers

o   Edamame Soy Bean

o   Lettuce

o   New Zealand Spinach

o   Parsnips

o   Scallions






  • Plants to transplant this month (make sure to check the soil temperature)
o   Cantaloupe

o   Eggplant

o   Tomatoes

o   Celery

o   Peppers

o   Watermelon


  • Control Pests and Diseases
    • Powdery mildew on grapes
    • Control for aphids, leafhoppers, squash pugs and leaf miners – if necessary
    • Root maggot fly


Garden Guide for the Rogue Valley – Year-Round & Month by Month. This book contains a wealth of gardening information. You can purchase it at our local Grange Co-op or at the OSU Extension office for $21.00. It can also be purchased on-line at  Note that a shipping fee will be applied.


Happy Gardening and Stay Cool

Garden For Life