- WE WANT YOU on the JCMGA Board! - July 15, 2021
- OSU Extension Master Gardener Program Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative - July 5, 2021
- JCMGA WANTS YOU! - June 28, 2021
Dear Gardeners,
As many folks are probably feeling, this is such a beautiful time of year. The fresh pops of green on the trees and bright wildflowers really invigorate the soul. I am a huge fan of
Adelinia grandis (previously known as Cynoglossum grande) and love to see them awakening across the landscape.
Demonstration gardens: Fortunately, the demonstration gardens have opened back up to maintenance work, though still on a limited basis. For all GEMs, 2020 students, and other JCMGA members who are interested in helping out, contact me for more information before coming out. Everyone needs to have a Conditions of Volunteer Service form on file for 2021 (which was sent electronically via DocuSign this year) and have taken the COVID online safety training (if you volunteered in the demo gardens in 2021, you do not have to do this training again this year). We are also limited in the number of people who can come out each day, so those who are helping are required to sign-up ahead of time.
Vaccine status: Many people are wondering if their vaccination status influences what types of Master Gardener activities they can engage in. OSU Extension administration states that regardless of an individual’s vaccine status, we are continuing to use the status at-a-glance information for activity planning, and all activities must continue to be approved by OSU beforehand.
Fun Dates to Remember: Visit the links for more information on these fun upcoming events!
May 22: Master Gardener Spring BioBlitz.
July 24: Master Gardener Summer BioBlitz.
Sept. 12-17: International Master Gardener Conference
Sept. 25: Master Gardener Fall BioBlitz. (Link will be accessible at a later date.)
Thanks for reading, and as always, if you have comments or questions please reach out to me.
– Erika
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