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New board to take the reins

By December 2, 2020Beet December 2020

Voting is completed and results are in. Returning to your JCMGA Board of Directors in their elected positions are: President Lynn Kunstman; Past-President Ronnie Budge; Recording Secretary Jane Moyer; Membership Secretary Patrice Kaska; Treasurer Annette Carter; Assistant Treasurer Roberta Heinz; OMGA Representative Barbara Davidson; Archivist Pam Hillers; and Member-at-Large Kathy Apple. Newly elected Members-at-Large are Colet Allen, Regula Pepi, Margaret Saydah, and Devyn Schneck. Seán Cawley will continue to represent the class of 2020.

Representing the various working groups will be: Communications Kate Hassen; Community Outreach Jim Buck; Fundraising Sandy Hansen; Gardens Marcie Katz; Member Services Keltie Nelson; Spring Garden Fair Sandy Hammond; Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Sue Koury; and Program Support (and MG program coordinator) Erika Szonntag.

We will miss those who will no longer be on the Board (but whom we know will continue to contribute in many other important ways): Susan Koenig, Bill Gabriel, Janine Salvatti, Jack Ivers, and Rebecca Jurta. Many thanks for your fine work.

And thanks also to those of you who voted in the JCMGA election. Even when positions are unopposed, the candidates appreciate your vote of confidence!

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