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October JCMGA Working Groups Summaries

By September 29, 2023Beet 2023 10 October

Community Outreach Working Group

Speakers Bureau:

Colet Allen, chair of the Speakers Bureau, is continuing to work enlarging the Speaker Bureau.

Friends of the Gardens:

The new program for non-MG volunteers to become “Friends of the Gardens” was approved at the last Board meeting. It is time now to consider how best to implement the program. COWG members want to continue to be involved along with the Member Services WG.

Community Gardens:

Mary Foster has scheduled a meeting of the Community Gardens Network for Thursday September 28, from 10:30 to noon, in the Talent branch library. This is an opportunity for rejuvenating JCMGA’s support for and participation in the network.

School Grants:

The deadline for applying for 2023 school grants is November 3. John Kobal has updated the application form on the JCMGA website and will be using various methods to let all the schools and teachers in Jackson County know about this opportunity. Sandy Hansen offered to promote it on our Facebook page.



chair is Sandy Hammond

The 1st annual Fall Festival is set for October 14th at the extension. This will be a 1-day event. The hours are 9:00am to 2:00pm.

A fun day was had by all on September 15th making glass garden art. Some volunteers made their art project to keep and some made garden art to sell at the Fall Festival. There will be 6 outside vendors along with our wonderful Native Garden nursery. The event will be outside and in Greenhouse #2. We will even have Sanctuary One bringing their goats for petting and viewing. There will be holiday items such as wreaths and decorations along with garden art. Cookies and beverages will be provided for free. Thanks to Jane Moyer there will also be beautiful Christmas cacti for sale. Parking will be in the parking lot only so carpooling is a good idea.


Garden Enhancement Working Group

Chair, Janine Salvatti

We are continuing to work in the gardens and are now getting them ready for the cooler temperatures.


Marketing and Technology Working Group

chair is Marcia Harris

We didn’t meet in September.


Member Services Working Group

chair is Barbara Low

We are continuing to update the membership files.

We have made detailed plans for the MG Class of 2023 Graduation Celebration on November 4.

The Friends of the Gardens proposal was approved by the Board.  Community Outreach Working Group and Member Services Working Group will continue to work together to work out the details.


Program Support Working Group

Chair is Grace Florjancic

The Program Support Working Group is looking for Master Gardeners interested in becoming Plant Clinic Mentors. We are hoping to gain enough Mentors to staff weekend events to accommodate our Master Gardeners and our community members with questions who are busy during the week. Reach out to Grace Florjancic if you are interested in getting involved with the SOREC Plant Clinic!


Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group

chairs are Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, and Barbara Low

Registration is now open Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2023 Symposium.  This virtual event will be October 27, 28, November 3, and 4.