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President’s Corner

By December 31, 2023Beet 2024 01 January
Barbara Low
Latest posts by Barbara Low (see all)

Time seems to fly – 2024 has already begun!

In looking back at 2023, I hope that you all have had a wonderful, relaxing time with your family and friends during the holidays.

Last year, Marcie Katz led us as we worked to move forward after Covid. We held more in-person events, increased activity in the Demonstration Gardens, reinstated Student Practicum, and held hybrid Board of Director meetings, to name a few.  Marcie is a wonderful role model.

I plan to continue work on moving our organization forward in 2024. This will include increasing activities in our communities and improving our communication with each other and with the OMGA.  To do this, we need to work together.  I encourage you to continue to be involved with our many working groups (Fundraising, Community Outreach, Gardens, Marketing & Technology, Member Services, Program Support, Spring Garden Fair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens).  If you are not currently involved with a working group, please consider joining one.  It is a great opportunity to learn the inner workings of JCMGA and to meet new friends.

Working together includes discussing old and new ideas, collaborating, brainstorming, setting goals, and – best of all – celebrating our accomplishments!

For example, last year the Community Outreach Working Group and the Member Services Working Group worked jointly to create the Friends of the Gardens program. The Board has approved the program and we are continuing to work on the details so we can implement it in April!

We are a unique organization with tremendous energy, experience and ideas to offer.  I am asking for your support, patience, and insights…

 Our January board meeting will be January 12th and will be a hybrid meeting (in-person at SOREC Auditorium and via Zoom). From 9:00-9:30 a.m. will be a social gathering; the meeting will be from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.  You are welcome to attend.  If you have any questions, contact me at