Community Outreach Working Group – Ronnie Budge
- Community Garden Grants:
Sherri Morgan, chair of the Community Gardens committee, is attempting to identify and visit all such gardens in Jackson County. She wants to list them, with addresses, on the JCMGA website. Sherri reported that she received five applications for community garden grants by the May 15 deadline, each of them from gardens that did not submit applications last year. The total grant budget is $2,000 which the committee may divide among the applicants in any way that seems best.
- Extension Expo in Josephine County:
MG Coordinator Grace Florjancic asked the COWG to consider having a table at the Josephine County Extension Expo on July 19 and 20, perhaps to include a display of native plants. The purpose of the Expo is to help boost positive relations with Josephine County residents. JCMGA’s table could demonstrate how a well-funded Master Gardener program can benefit them. Barbara Low volunteered to organize the table if she can recruit sufficient volunteers to staff it, since she will not be able to attend. Sherri volunteered to be there.
- Friends of the Gardens:
Barbara reported that there seems to be growing interest in the Friends of the Gardens program and suggested holding a general information meeting in June.
Rack cards to promote the Friends program are ready for printing. The COWG does not have a budget for printing, but the Members Services Working Group may have some funds.
- Updates on Special Events:
The Medford Open Streets event was to happen the evening of the COWG meeting, May 17, with Marcie Katz overseeing the setup. Our table is to be in Alba Park.
- Speakers Bureau:
Colet is attempting to recruit volunteers to meet with Rosenelle Florencechild and be trained in how to present workshops on growing lavender.
Fundraising Working Group – Jane Moyer
- The Fundraising Working Group had a booth at the Spring Garden Fair selling garden hats, two types of bird houses, owl houses, and glass garden art. Due to record setting rain, not much sold the first day but the sun came out for the second day and sales increased dramatically. Total receipts came to $470. Additionally, Garden Guides were sold at the Practicum cashiers’ table.
- A Karl Carlson grant application was sent to the Oregon Master Gardener Association asking for $250 towards a lathe house.
Gardens Working Group – Janine Salvatti
- We have been working on the Demonstration Gardens. They are looking great!
- We are scheduling more garden tours this year.
Marketing & Technology Working Group – Barbara Low and Keltie Nelson
- We are continuing to work on providing marketing and publicity for our upcoming events.
- We are looking for members who would be interested in joining our group.
Many of the activity that this group provides can be done at your home. Please let us know if you are interested.
Member Services Working Group – Barbara Low
- We have been preparing for our upcoming JCMGA Annual Membership Picnic on Saturday, June 29th.
- We are starting to work on updating the JCMGA Membership Renewal form.
- We are also working on the upcoming Plant A Row project – which includes collecting extra produce from our members gardens to give to ACCESS.
Program Support Working Group – Grace Florjancic
- The Master Gardener training class has been wrapped up and now students are out getting their volunteer hours completed. If anyone has any questions or needs help filling in their hours, please chat with me! We will get it all worked out. Many students have been enjoying their time in the Plant Clinic so far. It will get quite busy this summer with lots of questions from the public.
Spring Garden Fair Working Group – Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki
- Even with the bad weather, the Spring Garden Fair was a great success!
Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group – Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, and Barbara Low
- We are continuing to prepare for the upcoming Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2024 – October 18, 19, 25, and 26. Mark your calendars!