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Jaackson County Master Gardeners

JCMGA Working Group Summaries

By Beet 2024 06 June

Community Outreach Working Group – Ronnie Budge

  • Community Garden Grants:

Sherri Morgan, chair of the Community Gardens committee, is attempting to identify and visit all such gardens in Jackson County. She wants to list them, with addresses, on the JCMGA website.  Sherri reported that she received five applications for community garden grants by the May 15 deadline, each of them from gardens that did not submit applications last year. The total grant budget is $2,000 which the committee may divide among the applicants in any way that seems best.

  • Extension Expo in Josephine County:

MG Coordinator Grace Florjancic asked the COWG to consider having a table at the Josephine County Extension Expo on July 19 and 20, perhaps to include a display of native plants. The purpose of the Expo is to help boost positive relations with Josephine County residents. JCMGA’s table could demonstrate how a well-funded Master Gardener program can benefit them. Barbara Low volunteered to organize the table if she can recruit sufficient volunteers to staff it, since she will not be able to attend. Sherri volunteered to be there.

  • Friends of the Gardens:

Barbara reported that there seems to be growing interest in the Friends of the Gardens program and suggested holding a general information meeting in June.

Rack cards to promote the Friends program are ready for printing. The COWG does not have a budget for printing, but the Members Services Working Group may have some funds.

  • Updates on Special Events:

The Medford Open Streets event was to happen the evening of the COWG meeting, May 17, with Marcie Katz overseeing the setup. Our table is to be in Alba Park.

  • Speakers Bureau:

Colet is attempting to recruit volunteers to meet with Rosenelle Florencechild and be trained in how to present workshops on growing lavender.


Fundraising Working Group – Jane Moyer

  • The Fundraising Working Group had a booth at the Spring Garden Fair selling garden hats, two types of bird houses, owl houses, and glass garden art. Due to record setting rain, not much sold the first day but the sun came out for the second day and sales increased dramatically.  Total receipts came to $470.  Additionally, Garden Guides were sold at the Practicum cashiers’ table.
  • A Karl Carlson grant application was sent to the Oregon Master Gardener Association asking for $250 towards a lathe house.


Gardens Working Group – Janine Salvatti

  • We have been working on the Demonstration Gardens. They are looking great!
  • We are scheduling more garden tours this year.


Marketing & Technology Working Group – Barbara Low and Keltie Nelson

  • We are continuing to work on providing marketing and publicity for our upcoming events.
  • We are looking for members who would be interested in joining our group.

Many of the activity that this group provides can be done at your home.  Please let us know if you are interested.


Member Services Working Group – Barbara Low

  • We have been preparing for our upcoming JCMGA Annual Membership Picnic on Saturday, June 29th.
  • We are starting to work on updating the JCMGA Membership Renewal form.
  • We are also working on the upcoming Plant A Row project – which includes collecting extra produce from our members gardens to give to ACCESS.


Program Support Working Group – Grace Florjancic

  • The Master Gardener training class has been wrapped up and now students are out getting their volunteer hours completed. If anyone has any questions or needs help filling in their hours, please chat with me! We will get it all worked out. Many students have been enjoying their time in the Plant Clinic so far. It will get quite busy this summer with lots of questions from the public.


Spring Garden Fair Working Group – Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki

  • Even with the bad weather, the Spring Garden Fair was a great success!


Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group – Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, and Barbara Low

  • We are continuing to prepare for the upcoming Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2024 – October 18, 19, 25, and 26. Mark your calendars!

JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2024

By Beet 2024 06 June


Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom):

Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG

Pam Hillers, Archivist

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG

Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG

Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG

Rob MacWhorter, Member-at-Large

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary

Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator


Board Members Absent:

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large

Janet Wright, Student Representative



Sandy Hammond

Sheri Morgan

Sean Cawley

Kaleen Reilly

Connie Lyssand

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 9:35am by President Barbara Low.

Additions to the Agenda:  Colet Allen asked to add an OMGA report discussion to the agenda.  Ronnie Budge needed to leave early so the Community Outreach Working Group recommendation was moved forward.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to add the OMGA report discussion to the agenda and rearrange the agenda sequence. Motion passed.

Approval of the Consent Agenda:   President Barbara Low asked a clarifying question about the Gardens Working Group report.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.  Motion passed

Approval of the Agenda:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.

Approval of the Board Minutes from March 8, 2024 and the Executive Committee Minutes from March 20, 2024:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the Board Minutes from March 8, 2024 and the Executive Committee Minutes from March 20, 2024 as written.  Motion passed.


  1. President Barbara Low announced that the 2024 Chapter Directory will be mailed to members by next week.
  2. Earth Day will be celebrated April 20th at Blue Heron Park in Phoenix. JCMGA will have an information booth where Garden Guides will also be sold.
  3. Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki, Co-Chairs for the 2024 Spring Garden Fair provided an update on preparation for the event. Thirty-five vendors have been secured along with four food trucks.  A five-dollar parking fee will be implemented except for member volunteers who will receive free parking passes.  Friends of the Animals will be present with dogs for adoption.
  4. The annual Medford Street event will be held May 17th. JCMGA will have an information booth where Garden Guides will also be sold.
  5. The annual JCMGA Annual Picnic will be held June 29th with a special guest speaker from Southern Oregon Monarch Advocates.
  6. The update from Sheri Morgan regarding the Community Garden Grant was tabled.
  7. Colet Allen provided an update on OMGA activities including the latest information regarding the annual Joy of Gardening conference to be held July 12 & 13, 2024.
  8. Sandy Hammond reported that the month-to-month Garden Guide inventory may be depleted by the end of the year which will necessitate a new printing with associated costs.

President’s Report:   President Barbara Low shared the following information with the Board:

  1. President Barbara Low continues to meet monthly with MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic.
  2. The OMGA Awards Nominations Committee has met. MailChimp’s have been sent to members requesting nominations for the various award categories.  Pam Hillers has been added to the committee membership for her historical award knowledge.
  3. President Low asked the Board for feedback regarding sending the draft Board meeting minutes out to all members for input. The Board appreciates the early feedback opportunity.
  4. President Low demonstrated the new JCMGA website location for the Policy Manual where individual policies can easily be located.

Finance Report:  Treasurer Keltie Nelson provided highlights from the March financial statement and the Budget Versus Actual report.  She clarified the reimbursement process and accounting of last year’s large donation to JCMGA.

Membership Secretary Report:   Membership Secretary Ann Ackles provided the Board with a current update on membership.  As of this date, JCMGA has 139 paid members, 19 Life Members, 5 Associate Members, and 61 students.

MG Program Coordinator Report:  OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported that the MG class is in its last month of instruction.  On the last day, April 24th, JCMGA Working Groups will interact with students to provide information and respond to questions regarding JCMGA activities.  This will occur from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.  The Plant Clinic may need another computer station as the OSU PNW Weed, Insect, & Plant Management Handbooks will no longer be printed and only available online in the future.  A statewide training for Seed to Supper instructors is now available.  The Oregon Department of Transportation has removed trees along the highway in the arboretum which now allows for safer viewing of oncoming traffic.  The Master Plan for the SOREC property septic system is still undecided as is the date for demolition of the Creepy Old House.


  1. Master Gardener Education Scholarship Fund: Ronnie Budge, Chair of the Community Outreach Working Group, on behalf of the Working Group, proposed the concept of JCMGA offering a financial scholarship to assist Jackson County Master Gardeners to continue their gardening education.  Ronnie Budge and Sean Cawley responded to questions from the Board.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to establish a Master Gardener Education Scholarship Fund to assist Jackson County Master Gardeners to continue their gardening education using the interest earned on JCMGA’s Business Ownership Account at Rogue Credit Union as the source of funding.  Motion failed. 

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the concept of a Master Gardener Education Scholarship Fund to assist Jackson County Master Gardeners to continue their gardening education and direct the Community Outreach Working Group to draft policies and funding procedures for awarding scholarships to be brought to the Board for its consideration and approval.  Motion passed.

  1. Approval of Appointed Board Members: President Barbara Low presented three appointments to the Board, Rob MacWhorter for President-Elect, Kaleen Reilly for Member-at-Large, and Sandy Hammond for Member-at-Large.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to appoint Rob MacWhorter for President-Elect, Kaleen Reilly for Member-at-Large, and Sandy Hammond for Member-at-Large to the 2024 Board of Directors.  Motion Passed.

  1. Student Representative Resignation: President Barbara Low informed the Board that Student Representative, Janet Wright has needed to resign from the Board.  Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic is currently searching for a new student representative.

President Barbara Low ended the meeting with shouts outs to Grace Florjancic for conducting such a well-organized MG class this year; to Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki for all their hard work in getting ready for the Spring Garden Fair; and to everyone on the Board for their support and due diligence.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.

Next Meeting:   The next Board meeting will be held May 10, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am.

JCMGA 2024 Spring Retreat – May 24, 2024

Agenda will include:

  • Review implementation of strategic plan
  • Membership discussion, looking at priorities
  • Opportunities for use of WDSG education recordings

Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary



Want to Know What’s Going On in the Board Meetings?

By Beet 2022 02 February

Question:  Where are the board meeting minutes?  I can’t find them in The Garden Beet anymore.


Answer:  Now that The Garden Beet is being made available to the general public on the JCMGA website, the board minutes have been moved to the Members Only side.  Here’s how to find them:

  1. Go to the JCMGA Website:
  2. Click on “Member Portal” in the green stripe at the top of the page.
  3. Log in.
  4. At the right side of the page, click on “Board of Directors.”
  5. Click on “Board Reports and Minutes.”
  6. Click on “2022 JCMGA Board Reports.”
  7. The board minutes for 2022 are kept in the file “00 Board Minutes 2022” at the top of

the page.

  1. Once you have opened the file, click on the month for which you’d like to read the

board minutes. (Example: “01 January 2022”)


Problems or questions: Contact Jane Moyer (


Remember ALL board meetings, both those that are virtual as well as the in-person meetings, are open to JCMGA members.  Feel free to join us!