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Jackson County Master Gardeners

President’s Corner

By Beet 2025 01 January

It is a new year with many opportunities and new beginnings for all of us.  I hope that you had a relaxing time with family and friends over the holidays.  It is always good to take time to rejuvenate and enjoy the company of loved ones.

JCMGA has had a successful 2024! In the December Garden Beet I talked about some of our accomplishments during this past year.  Below are a few more JCMGA accomplishments:

  • The Fundraising Working Group was busy with many projects including selling our Garden Guides at community events.

  • As a way of getting JCMGA and gardening topics out to the public, we were part of many community events this year. At these events we had an information table/booth with several of volunteers to answer questions and provide gardening information.  These events included: Josephine County Home Builder Show; Blue Heron Park Event; JCMGA Spring Garden Fair; Medford Open Streets Project; Fall Festival; and One Sanctuary Event.

  • The Community Outreach Working Group has also been actively working on getting more community gardens involved with JCMGA. They also provide school grants for gardening projects.  What a great resource!

  • We started a new project – the Friends of the Gardens. “Friends” are interested in working in our gardens and learning more about gardening without becoming Master Gardeners.

  • The Class of 2024 Clothing Committee developed a gardening shirt logo – created by Adrienne Cheng.

  • The JCMGA Native Plant Nursery is booming! A big thank you to Lynn Kunstman and all the volunteers for their hard work in making it a success. Cody Maple, a Class of 2024 student, created the new Native Plant Nursery logo and Nicole Smith created a new Native Plant page on our website.

  • The Marketing & Technology Working Group worked on publicity for JCMGA and kept our technology up to date.

  • The Member Services Working Group distributed the JCMGA Chapter (Membership) 2024 Directory to our members. They also planned and implemented the following events: Class of 2024 Master Gardener First Day Lunch; JCMGA Annual Picnic; and Class of 2024 Master Gardener Graduation Celebration.

  • Plans are being developed for the 2025 JCMGA vision and what we want for our new tool shed, lathe house, and practicum classroom.

People in our working groups are committed to working together to accomplish their goals.  I encourage you to join us.  Contact the chair of a working group that you are interested in to find out more about what they accomplish.

Our working groups and their chairs are:

Community Outreach                            Michael Hornbeek

Fundraising                                               Jane Moyer

Gardens                                                      Janine Slavatti

Marketing & Technology                     Keltie Nelson and Lucy Pylkki

Member Services                                    Barbara Low and Linda Millus

Program Support                                   Grace Florjancic

Spring Garden Fair                                Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki

Winter Dreams/Summer Gardens     Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, and Barbara Low

This year is full of new beginnings and continuing what we started in 2024!  We are a very active organization which provides gardening expertise – whether hands-on or via classes – to our members and community.

It takes all of us working together to accomplish our goals. Thank you to all those who have helped with our projects in 2024.  Everyone should be proud of what we have accomplished as we move forward in 2025.





JCMGA Membership Renewal for 2025

By Beet 2025 01 January

It’s that time of year when we open our Membership Renewal process.  We are asking each renewing member to complete the 2025 Membership form.  This can be done online or via paper form.

This form serves two vital purposes.  First, it assures the Membership Secretary has your most current information regarding your address, phone number, email and year you completed your education.  The second purpose is for you to identify where you want to share your knowledge, skills and abilities in 2025.  There are so many opportunities for you to assist the organization with projects and/or committees.  A project leader will know to contact you when your area of interest is meeting or working on a project.

We have added a box that allows you to limit how much of your contact information is listed in the directory, but we do need some contact information – preferably emails. If you choose not to have your street address listed you will have to pick up your directory at the Extension office because it will not be mailed out.

The yearly renewal fee is still $25.00 and a real bargain.  We ask that all renewal forms be returned by January 31st to be included in the directory which will come out in the Spring of 2025.  Thank you for supporting the process and we look forward to seeing you renew your membership.

You can renew your membership at

JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2024

By Beet 2025 01 January

Board Members Present:

Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing &      Technology WG, Chair Member Services WG

Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG

Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG

Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG

Michael Hornbeek, Student Representative

Sandy Hammond, Member-at-Large

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer

Pam Hillers, Archivist

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large

Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG

Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator

Board Members Absent:

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large


Lynn Kunstman

Kristina LeFever

Patricia Burnham

Arti Kirch


Call to Order:  President Barbara Low called the Board meeting to order at 9:00am.

Additions to the Agenda:  There were no additions to the agenda.

Approval of the Consent Agenda:   All filed, written reports under the Consent Agenda were accepted.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as amended.  Motion passed.

Approval of the Agenda:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion passed.

Approval of the Board Meeting Minutes from October 11, 2024:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the October 11, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes as written.  Motion passed.

Finance Report:  Treasurer Keltie Nelson presented the October financial statements, the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget, and the current status of Certificates of Deposit (CD’s) for the Board’s review and discussion.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the financial statements for October 2024.  Motion passed.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to roll two CD’s that are maturing soon for another six months.  Motion passed.

In review of the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget, the Board requested an increase in outreach expenditure for JCMGA Booths.

MG Program Coordinator Report:  OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic provided an update on community education classes, the Master Gardener Training program, the Plant Clinic, the Seed to Supper program, and the proposed Junior Master Gardener program.  President Low reported on the Practicum program noting the seed team, the curriculum team, the native plants team, and the greenhouse maintenance team have been meeting in preparation for the upcoming Master Gardener education program.

OMGA Representative Update:  Colet Allen, OMGA Representative provided an update on current OMGA business.   The 2024 Joy of Gardening conference was very successful so the OMGA Board is dedicating some of that revenue to lower the 2025 association membership fee from $7.00 to $5.00 per member. Colet noted that the current statewide Master Gardener coordinator is working on a way for Josephine County Master Gardeners to recertify for next year.  At the past OMGA Board meeting, the OSU Director of Development, Andrew Norwood informed OMGA that he would like to reach out to all county chapters to support associations and assist, for example, with fundraising ideas and strategies.  On March 5, 2025, the OMGA Advocacy Group is meeting with state representatives at the state legislature.

President’s Report:   President Barbara Low shared the following information with the Board:

  1. President Low reported that the monthly meeting with MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic and Farm Manager Jake Hoyman was cancelled this month as Grace and Jake were both out of town.
  2. The Creepy Old House, the tool shed, and Peggy’s propagation greenhouse have all been removed from the SOREC property.
  3. SOREC has a new office manager who is requesting assistance with reorganizing the office space.
  4. The new Board orientation will be held on December 6th. All Board Members are required to attend in person.
  5. Michael Hornbeek has agreed to be the new Community Outreach Working Group Chair for 2025.
  6. The Marketing & Technology Working Group will still need a new chair for 2025.

Membership Secretary Report:   Membership Secretary Ann Ackles reported that the new online membership renewals have gone out.  Ann also expressed gratitude for support from the Board.

Discussion & Business:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with JCMGA & SOREC: President Low presented the revised MOU for the joint purchase and use of the SOREC utility trailer for the Board’s review and discussion.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the revised MOU based on the Board’s discussion and input. Motion passed.

  1. Practicum Design Ad Hoc Committee Update: Jane Moyer reported that not much has happened while waiting for the Creepy Old House to be demolished and the driveway expanded per SOREC plans.  Jane will be meeting with a contractor next week for input.  The Board discussed the need to have the design created by the committee drafted by a qualified drafting service.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to obtain drafted building plans based on the Board’s vision for a new tool shed, classroom, lathe house, and greenhouse with a cost up to $3,000.  Motion passed.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to authorize $8,000 from donations and $4,500 from savings for building a tool shed after design plans have been drafted.  Motion passed.

  1. Kristina LeFever, President/Secretary of the Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, along with Treasurer Patricia Burnham and Vice President Arti Kirch, shared with the Board their process and funding for employing full time and part time employees. The Board is exploring possible part time employment for support of the Native Plant Nursery and demonstration gardens.
  2. JCMGA 2025 Tellers Report: Nominations Chair, Marcie Katz reported on the results of the 2025 Board of Directors election.   The 2025 Board of Directors include:

Barbara Low, President

Linda Millus, President-Elect

Marcie Katz, Past President

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative

Teresa Jarrett, Co-Archivist

Carrie Holmes-Stanton, Co-Archivist

Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large

Joanne Daane, Member-at-Large

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large

Mary Schrouder, Member-at-Large

Jory Kaplan, Member-at-Large

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the election results for the 2025 Board of Directors.   Motion passed.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:25am.

Next Meeting:

  1. The new Board of Directors orientation will be held December 6, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am.
  2. The next Board meeting will be held December 13, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am.

President’s Corner

By Beet 2024 12 December

The holidays are with us, and the end of the year is fast approaching. I hope that you had a wonderful time with your family and friends during Thanksgiving. For me, Thanksgiving is a time to focus on what we are thankful for – no matter how small it may seem – and to start looking forward to the new year and new beginnings.

JCMGA has had a successful year!

Below are a few of our accomplishments:

  • In the OSU Master Gardener Class of 2024, there are 40 students who graduated! Twenty-two of those students attended the Class of 2024 Graduation Celebration on November 9th. Congratulations to all graduates!

Thank you, Grace, for your leadership with this class!

  • Students and mentors of the Practicum for the class of 2024 met with great success. We grew the plants that were sold at the Spring Garden Fair. Because 2024 SGF expanded to a two-day event, we nearly doubled the number of plants we grew. The Practicum was led by Virginia Brown and Jane Moyer. Thank you!
  • Our Demonstration GEMs (Garden Education Mentors) did a terrific job in working with Master Gardener students and Friends of the Gardens to revitalize our Demonstration Gardens at SOREC. The gardens were absolutely stunning this year. The gardens have been put to bed now, with dreams of what’s to come in the spring. Thank you for all your hard work and creativity.
  • So many people participated in the Plant A Row project that we donated over 800 pounds of fresh produce to Medford Access to help families in our community who are in need of food.
  • Many thanks to our Gardens Working Group for their creativity in creating a new compost area and painting the beautiful murals!
  • Grace implemented the Cultivating Companions Grant which was focused on senior citizens in rural areas. Many of our members – including students – participated in working with the seniors. It was a great success!
  • The JCMGA Fall Festival was a great one-day event held on the SOREC grounds, with a huge number of native plants being sold. Thank you to Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki for heading this event.
  • Our annual Spring Garden Fair was well-attended, despite torrents of rain that turned our parking field into a mud bath! Many thanks to Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki who managed this event. Great job! The 2025 SGF will be held at Jackson County Expo on May 3-4, 2025. Mark your calendars.
  • We have had more people wanting to get involved with our working groups, events, and the Board.

Next month I will highlight what the other working groups have accomplished this year.

We are a very active organization which provides gardening expertise – whether hands-on or via classes – to our members and community.  This year we have had more people step forward to help with projects, contribute to our discussions, listen to each other, brainstorm, compromise, and move forward with creativity and respect.  Thank you.

It takes all of us working together to accomplish our goals. Thank you to all those who have helped with our projects this year. We should be proud of what we have accomplished and continue to move forward next year.

Wishing you all the best during the upcoming holiday season!






JCMGA Membership Renewal for 2025

By Beet 2024 12 December


It’s that time of year when we open our Membership Renewal process.  We are asking each renewing member to complete the 2025 Membership form.  This can be done online or via paper form.

This form serves two vital purposes.  First, it assures the Membership Secretary has your most current information regarding your address, phone number, email and year you completed your education.  The second purpose is for you to identify where you want to share your knowledge, skills and abilities in 2025.  There are so many opportunities for you to assist the organization with projects and/or committees.  A project leader will know to contact you when your area of interest is meeting or working on a project.

We have added a box that allows you to limit how much of your contact information is listed in the directory, but we do need some contact information – preferably emails. If you choose not to have your street address listed you will have to pick up your directory at the Extension office because it will not be mailed out.

The yearly renewal fee is still $25.00 and a real bargain.  We ask that all renewal forms be returned by January 31st to be included in the directory which will come out in the Spring of 2025.  Thank you for supporting the process and we look forward to seeing you renew your membership.

You can renew your membership at

History of the Jackson County Master Gardener Association

By Beet 2024 12 December

In 1862, the Morrill Act, which was signed by President Abraham Lincoln, created a nationwide system of land-grant colleges and universities to provide education in agriculture. The purpose of these institutions was to provide access to a liberal, practical higher education for people who could not otherwise afford to attend the private colleges of the time (i.e., the working or industrial classes). The land-grant focus was defined in statute, “…to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanical arts.”

In 1868, Oregon State University, formerly Oregon Agricultural College, was established as the designated land-grant college in Oregon. In 1914, the Smith-Lever Act established the Cooperative Extension Service in order to distribute objective, scientific-based information developed by land-grant colleges and research stations to citizens.

In January of 1979, Donald W. Berry, Area Extension Agent, and Peter Giffen, Home Horticulturist, offered area garden clubs and other experienced gardeners in the Jackson County area the opportunity to receive 60 hours of training over a 10-week period. No fees would be charged, but students agreed to volunteer 60 hours of service time to the community in the new Master Gardener program. Volunteers would then become leaders in horticultural community service and/or garden educational programs.

Peter Giffen was quoted as saying, “This training program has been developed in response to the recent overwhelming interest in home gardening by the public and the resulting flood of questions received each gardening season by the Extension office. A single horticulturist cannot handle all these requests – over 8,000 calls last year alone.” Although the program had been successful in the Eugene area for two years and had been instituted in 18 other states, this was the first time it had been offered in Southern Oregon.

Over 30 community members took that first class in 1979 and were certified as OSU Master Gardeners. A new group of gardeners has been trained every year since then, except during the Covid pandemic of 2021. Today the non-profit Jackson County Master Gardener Association has a membership of nearly 300 volunteers providing unbiased, research-based information on sustainable gardening to their communities through educational outreach programs.

Interested in joining us? Please see our website for information about all our programs (you don’t need to be a Master Gardener) and how to become a Master Gardener.


Jackson County Master Gardeners Announcements — October 2024

By Beet 2024 10 October






  • JCMGA Membership Renewal for 2025 opens November 1st.
  • Class of 2024 Graduation – Saturday, November 9th from 5-8 p.m.

President’s Corner

By Beet 2024 10 October

Fall is finally here!  And with it comes cooler weather. I am enjoying spending more time in my garden and yard. I hope that you are enjoying this time of the year out in your gardens as well.

Autumn is always so satisfying because I harvest what I have spent so much time growing since spring.  The produce is very tasty, and we have been enjoying it with our meals.  Now I am in the middle of processing all that produce into grape juice, grape jelly, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, butternut squash, and zucchini.

And then it will be time to start preparing the garden for winter.

Gardening is always a challenge – with many trials and successes.  As gardeners we are on a quest to become better.  We want to grow better plants which produce healthy, great-tasting produce.  There are a variety of factors involved in accomplishing that goal.

The JCMGA Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Symposium 2024 is a great way to gain more gardening knowledge.  We have 16 presentations planned for this year.  Winter Dreams Summer Gardens will again be held virtually via zoom on October 18, 19, and 25, 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

All presentations will be recorded this year and made available until December 31 to those who register for the event.  Each presentation is 60 minutes long, followed by 15 minutes for questions and answers.  We have a wide variety of gardening topics with great presenters.   The registration cost is only $30 for all these wonderful presentations and opportunities to improve our gardening.

On the JCMGA website  you will find the Summaries of all Presentations; Presenter Bios; and Presentation Schedule for this four-day event.  You will also find the button to register for the event.

This will be the third year that our presentations can be used for landscaper continued educational credits and the Oregon State Landscapers Association has approved these classes for that purpose.

If you have any questions, contact me at

Happy Gardening!

Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2024

By Beet 2024 09 September


The Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group is developing an informative and interesting lineup for this year’s symposium. The articles in the July and August Garden Beet had information on presenters and the subjects that will be discussed. Read further for a continuation of what is coming at the symposium.

Please consider signing up for the symposium as it is a great learning opportunity. Register on line on the Jackson County Master Gardeners Association website. Go to the Events and Classes dropdown, then the Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Symposium. Cost is $30 to attend all the seminars, or as many as you would like, on Zoom. We are excited by the diversity of topics and hope that you will join us!



Companion Plant Gardening

Barbara Low, Presenter

Have you heard of the concept of companion planting? Some plants benefit when planted in close proximity to other plants. Barbara Low will share science-based information on what companion planting is (and is not) and how it can it help us be better gardeners.

Barbara Low is a retired teacher and long-time gardener. She graduated as a master gardener in 2020.




10 Proven Ideas for a Bee Friendly Garden

Leah Puhlman, Presenter

There are hundreds of species of native bees in Oregon. We can support them by how we garden. Leah Puhlman will share simple steps to take to do just that. She will also teach us about “managed bees”, including mason bees and leafcutter bees, which are super pollinators.

Leah Puhlman is an OSU Extension Master Gardener who teaches for the 10-Minute University Program. She has raised mason bees commercially and for her own enjoyment. Leah is also the unofficial bee wrangler at the Oregon Zoo and has acted as a citizen scientist for the PNW Bumble Bee Atlas.



From Fermentation to Forest Ecology: The Many Applications of Fungi

Lorelle Sherman, Presenter

Want to know more about the plant kingdom Fungi, the fruiting bodies of which are mushrooms? Lorelle Sherman will teach us about various uses for fungi (in addition to providing food), such as ecological restoration, mycopesticides, textiles, building and more.

Lorelle Sherman is the OSU Extension Forester for Benton, Linn, and Polk Counties where she provides science-based education and expertise to landowners. She has a B. S. in Forestry from the University of Vermont and an M.S. in Forest Ecosystems & Society from Oregon State University. Her specialty is fungal ecology and wildlife in managed forests.



Pro Gardeners Tips and Tricks Panel


Strawberries, Peas and Groundcover

John Kobal, Presenter

John will share his wealth of knowledge for propagating strawberries, the best cover crops to grow and best timing for planting peas.

John Kobal has been gardening for over 30 years and graduated from the Jackson County Master Gardeners Program. He is a Practicum instructor at JCMGA, has taught OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) courses and has provided lectures on gardening for various civic organizations. He has an extensive garden of his own and uses worm bins to produce worm castings for soil enrichment.


Hoop Dreams

Kent Patrick-Reilly, Presenter

Kent will teach us about using large hoops for supporting garden plants such as tomatoes, melons, beans, peas, and cucumbers.

Kent Patrick-Reilly has 50 years of experience gardening in various climates, the last 10 of which have been here at his home in Ashland. His property has a 9000 square foot garden where he grows fruit, nuts, vegetables, and flowers. Kent became a Master Gardener in 2016 and a Land Steward in 2017.



Tips and Tricks for Controlling Insects in the Home and Garden

Marsha White, Presenter

Marsha will share tips and tricks for controlling and preventing the most common house and garden insect pests without using toxic inorganic pesticides.

Marsha White has been an Entomology and Integrated Pest Management Instructor for 29 years. She graduated as a Master Gardener in 1995 and has been a Plant Clinic Specialist. Marsha has also shared her knowledge by teaching classes to garden clubs in Oregon and writing articles in the Mail Tribune and Garden Beet. She was a recipient of the Jackson County Master Gardener Award in 2000, the Oregon State Master Gardener Award in 2007 and the Oregon State Behind the Scenes in 2016.

Jackson County Volunteer Opportunities

By Beet 2024 09 September

 Do you need to boost your volunteer hours as the end of the year is drawing closer? We are looking for volunteers in the areas described below.


Demonstration Gardens:

We have many beds around the extension office that require regular maintenance. There are usually people working in the gardens on Wednesdays from 9-12. For people who live further away, it may be easier to set up work party days where once or twice a month folks carpool from Grants Pass to the extension office. Check out our webpage for more information on each demonstration garden. .  Contact Marcie Katz


Plant Clinic:

Our Plant Clinic is open M/T/Th/F from 9 am-2 pm during the spring through fall and open Tu/Th from 10 am -2 pm in the winter. We have quarterly Mentor meetings and trainings in the winter. The mentors help students take client questions and find solutions.  Contact Grace Florjancic


Speakers Bureau:

Master Gardeners are often asked to give talks to libraries, garden clubs, and other groups around the county. You can volunteer by giving presentations, helping new members make presentations, or assisting others in giving presentations that you have made. Some talks are done in person and some via zoom. .

Contact Colet Allen


Tabling Events:

There are many events in Jackson County where the JCMGA has a presence. We mostly just share information, publications, and talk with the public. This year we were in Phoenix for Earth Day and Medford for Medford Streets and Pride. We had a static table display at the County Fair in July.   Contact Ronnie Budge


JCMGA Working Groups:

These groups help with the flow of getting things done. Each group has monthly meetings via zoom or in person at the extension office. Marketing and Technology, Members Services, Community Outreach, Fundraising, Spring Garden Fair, Program Support, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens, and many JCMGA board positions help make decisions. We need your involvement to keep these groups going strong.  Contact Barbara Low


Spring Garden Fair:

The SGF is the first weekend in May. We will need many hands to help with this big undertaking next year. Preparing plants in the greenhouses takes place from about February – May.  Contact Marcie Katz or Lucy Pylkki


MG Student Mentors:

Returning master gardeners are mentors for the new students in the training course. This is a good dual volunteer and continuing education opportunity.  Contact Grace Florjancic


Volunteer from home options:

Garden Beet: We have a monthly newsletter called The Garden Beet with program updates and gardening information. Those interested in writing are welcome to contribute articles to the newsletter. https://jacksoncountymga.rg/beet/

Winter Dreams Summer Gardens: This fall conference is all virtual via zoom. Each talk has a host who introduces the speaker and helps facilitate audience questions. There are about 16 talks over two weekends.  Contact Susan Koenig

Marketing and Technology: For tech savvy folks there are many ways to assist this working group, including website maintenance, designing flyers, and sending out bulk mail chimp emails.  Contact Barbara Low or Keltie Nelson

Libraries: One of my goals is to offer more programming in the Josephine County (JC) Libraries. Rouge River, Jacksonville, and Ruch may be closer to some JC residents. Now that we have a staffed 4H team, I will be working with them to develop curriculum for youth activities that volunteers can be involved with in the communities. There will be train-the-trainer days to review the activities and prepare volunteers for teaching others. This is a work in progress and not near completion yet.

I encourage you to reach out to those involved in whatever area interests you. Help our organization flourish while also earning your volunteer hours for the year!