The Jackson County Master Gardeners Association consists of volunteers who work tirelessly to promote gardening.
This past month we have been busy preparing for our upcoming annual Spring Garden Fair. This event is our main fundraiser and time to celebrate what we have been able to accomplish as a group. These groups include:
- The Garden GEMS and their supporting gardeners who work in the Demonstration Gardens on the SOREC Extension Campus. They gather weekly to do weeding, trimming, fertilizing, planting, etc. The gardens are beautiful and reflect their workers’ care and love for them.
- The Class of 2024 Master Gardener students, who are just beginning to work in the Demonstration Gardens and the Plant Clinic after completing their class work, are getting their volunteer hours in to become certified. This group of volunteers are energetic and eager to learn and help in any way that they can. What a privilege to work with them!
- The Class of 2024 Practicum students, who have been busy planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, watering all our greenhouse plants, fertilizing the plants, and monitoring the growing conditions of those same plants which we will be selling at our Spring Garden Fair! It has been an energizing experience working with them and with the Practicum Mentors – a dedicated bunch of Master Gardeners!
- The JCMGA Marketing & Technology Working Group, who worked hard at getting the publicity out about our upcoming Spring Garden Fair.
- A SPECIAL thank you to Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki for chairing the Spring Garden Fair Working Group! They have worked long hours getting this event coordinated with all its moving parts. They have done a fantastic job!
- Finally – A BIG THANK YOU to all our Spring Garden Fair volunteers – who are ready and willing to help make this event a success.
Come join us for the
Saturday and Sunday, May 4 – 5
at the SOREC Extension Grounds
569 Handley Rd, Central Point, OR