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Winter Dreams Summer Gardens

Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2023 Registration

By Beet 2023 09 September

~~~ Registration Is Open ~~~

The Jackson County Master Gardener Association is back, virtually!


Dates: Fridays, October 27 and November 3 and

Saturdays, October 28 and November 4, 2023

9:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Comfort of your own Home via Zoom


We have a variety of top-notch speakers who will be speaking on many interesting

and time relevant topics.

All sessions will be recorded and available for a limited time for paid participants.

Cost is $30 for 14 presentations.

Landscaper Board CEH re-certification available.

Email us at if you have any questions


Make it a family reunion & invite friends, family

and all your known far flung Gardening Enthusiasts!

OSU Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials.



The Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Symposium Is Coming This Fall

By Beet 2022 05 May



The leadership team for the 2022 WDSG is in place and busy. Barbara Low, Colet Allen and Susan Koenig are this year’s team leaders and will endeavor to keep you up to date with a monthly short report in The Garden Beet as we move forward.

So far, we have chosen Zoom as the format. The dates are Friday, October 28, and Saturday 29, and in November, Friday the 4th, and Saturday the 5th. There will be 4 sessions each day for a total of 16, each an hour and one-half long with 30 minutes between sessions. The cost will be $30 for all or as many sessions as you chose to watch.

We have created the Save the Day flyer and will need some volunteers to help distribute them in early May once we have finalized the locations where they will be posted and the number of flyers needed. Flyers will also go out to the JCMGA membership via Mailchimp, and we ask that each of you share them broadly with friends and family. Using Zoom makes location irrelevant with no barriers and requires only the Internet and a device on which to watch presentations on in the privacy of your own home.

Other volunteers are needed to help with this event. Its successful outcome is dependent on those volunteers that give so generously of their time and skills. We thank you in advance for helping bring about this achievement.

As we get the presentations and presenters on board, we will send out another flyer with the schedule, speakers, their subjects, and how to register. So, get the dates on your calendar and stay tuned.