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- WHAT AN AWESOME GROUP! - July 27, 2024
Question: Where are the board meeting minutes? I can’t find them in The Garden Beet anymore.
Answer: Now that The Garden Beet is being made available to the general public on the JCMGA website, the board minutes have been moved to the Members Only side. Here’s how to find them:
- Go to the JCMGA Website:
- Click on “Member Portal” in the green stripe at the top of the page.
- Log in.
- At the right side of the page, click on “Board of Directors.”
- Click on “Board Reports and Minutes.”
- Click on “2022 JCMGA Board Reports.”
- The board minutes for 2022 are kept in the file “00 Board Minutes 2022” at the top of
the page.
- Once you have opened the file, click on the month for which you’d like to read the
board minutes. (Example: “01 January 2022”)
Problems or questions: Contact Jane Moyer (
Remember ALL board meetings, both those that are virtual as well as the in-person meetings, are open to JCMGA members. Feel free to join us!