Marketing and Technology Working Group —
Off to a great start in the new year, the Marketing and Technology Working Group had our first meeting on January 9th. Our meetings are held on the second Monday of each month unless it works out to be a national holiday. This month’s meeting, we discussed many topics such as:
- The focus of the Garden Beet
- The Working Group budget for 2023
- The Brochure
- The use of QuestionPro
- The new class for 2023
- Zoom recordings.
If you are interested in joining our group for a discussion or to lend a hand or if you want more information, please contact Sandy Hansen, Chair at or 707-332-4934. All are welcome.
Member Services Working Group –
We are off and running! Our working group members along with some other Board members organized the Class of 2023 First Day Lunch – a great success. We are now working on updating the Chapter Directory for 2023. Our goal is to have the directory ready for you by the end of March.
If you are interested in being a part of our group, contact Barbara Low at .
Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group –
Our group has started meeting to review the WDSG 2022 evaluation survey data. What went well and what we can improve. This month we will start planning the WDSG 2023 Symposium!
If you are interested is being a part of this group, please contact Colet Allen , Susan Koenig or Barbara Low .