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Virginia Clark

One Year Later in the Garden for Life            

By Beet 2024 12 December

The opportunity to meet new, like-minded lifetime friends is a great benefit of the Master Gardener Program. The graduation dinner event of  the 2024 Master Gardener class on November 9th was well attended by such friends. (I want to shout out a big thank you for all the work that went into putting on this event: preparing all the food, providing the beverages and desserts, decorating the room, and putting together a wonderful program for this year’s graduates.)

I was happy to attend and celebrate the 2024 graduates, and was joined by several of my practicum sisters from my own graduating class of 2023 – John Kobal’s practicum group: Kathy Rogers, Kaleen Reilly and Nicole Smith, (not in attendance were Susan Hoehn and Joan Langley.)  One year later and we are still in regular communication with each other. I once read, “Friends are the flowers in the garden of life” and it is certainly true with our group. We really enjoy having lunch and dinner with one another and can often be found Wednesdays at Clyde’s Corner around the lunch hour. Beyond our love of food, we have fun meeting up to volunteer in the Native Plant Nursery and for special work events such as the Spring Garden Fair and Fall Festival. As honorary aunties, we have enjoyed watching the growth and development of JCMGA member in the making, sweet baby Jane Smith.  I’m looking forward to growing more together in 2025.

In the pictures are Kaleen Reilly, John Kobal, Dee Copley (one of the instructors with John), Virginia Clark, Nicole and Jane Smith, and Kathy Rogers.