- Coordinator’s Column - December 31, 2024
- Coordinator’s Column - October 31, 2024
- Coordinator’s Column - August 31, 2024
Do you need to boost your volunteer hours as the end of the year is drawing closer? We are looking for volunteers in the areas described below.
Demonstration Gardens:
We have many beds around the extension office that require regular maintenance. There are usually people working in the gardens on Wednesdays from 9-12. For people who live further away, it may be easier to set up work party days where once or twice a month folks carpool from Grants Pass to the extension office. Check out our webpage for more information on each demonstration garden. https://jacksoncountymga.org/demonstration-gardens/ . Contact Marcie Katz marciek10@gmail.com
Plant Clinic:
Our Plant Clinic is open M/T/Th/F from 9 am-2 pm during the spring through fall and open Tu/Th from 10 am -2 pm in the winter. We have quarterly Mentor meetings and trainings in the winter. The mentors help students take client questions and find solutions. Contact Grace Florjancic grace.florjancic@oregonstate.edu
Speakers Bureau:
Master Gardeners are often asked to give talks to libraries, garden clubs, and other groups around the county. You can volunteer by giving presentations, helping new members make presentations, or assisting others in giving presentations that you have made. Some talks are done in person and some via zoom. https://jacksoncountymga.org/speakers-bureau/ .
Contact Colet Allen coltetallen1@gmail.com
Tabling Events:
There are many events in Jackson County where the JCMGA has a presence. We mostly just share information, publications, and talk with the public. This year we were in Phoenix for Earth Day and Medford for Medford Streets and Pride. We had a static table display at the County Fair in July. Contact Ronnie Budge rleebudge@gmail.com
JCMGA Working Groups:
These groups help with the flow of getting things done. Each group has monthly meetings via zoom or in person at the extension office. Marketing and Technology, Members Services, Community Outreach, Fundraising, Spring Garden Fair, Program Support, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens, and many JCMGA board positions help make decisions. We need your involvement to keep these groups going strong. Contact Barbara Low barbaralow@msn.com
Spring Garden Fair:
The SGF is the first weekend in May. We will need many hands to help with this big undertaking next year. Preparing plants in the greenhouses takes place from about February – May. Contact Marcie Katz marciek10@gmail.com or Lucy Pylkki lalapylk@msn.com
MG Student Mentors:
Returning master gardeners are mentors for the new students in the training course. This is a good dual volunteer and continuing education opportunity. Contact Grace Florjancic grace.florjancic@oregonstate.edu
Volunteer from home options:
Garden Beet: We have a monthly newsletter called The Garden Beet with program updates and gardening information. Those interested in writing are welcome to contribute articles to the newsletter. https://jacksoncountymga.rg/beet/
Winter Dreams Summer Gardens: This fall conference is all virtual via zoom. Each talk has a host who introduces the speaker and helps facilitate audience questions. There are about 16 talks over two weekends. Contact Susan Koenig srkoenig@aol.com
Marketing and Technology: For tech savvy folks there are many ways to assist this working group, including website maintenance, designing flyers, and sending out bulk mail chimp emails. Contact Barbara Low barbaralow@msn.com or Keltie Nelson kknelson2@charter.net
Libraries: One of my goals is to offer more programming in the Josephine County (JC) Libraries. Rouge River, Jacksonville, and Ruch may be closer to some JC residents. Now that we have a staffed 4H team, I will be working with them to develop curriculum for youth activities that volunteers can be involved with in the communities. There will be train-the-trainer days to review the activities and prepare volunteers for teaching others. This is a work in progress and not near completion yet.
I encourage you to reach out to those involved in whatever area interests you. Help our organization flourish while also earning your volunteer hours for the year!