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JCMGA Working Groups Summaries

Barbara Low
Latest posts by Barbara Low (see all)


Community Outreach Working Group

chair is Ronni Budge

  • Work is continuing to be done to update the Speakers Bureau and help support new potential speakers.
  • We are looking into how to better support the Spanish speaking community in our valley.
  • We are looking at how to rejuvenate the Community Gardens and also provide them with support.
  • JCMGA has been invited to participate in the 2024 Josephine County Home Show at the Grants Pass fairgrounds (Feb. 16, 17, and 18) and the Southern Oregon Home Show at Expo in Central Point (May 3, 4, and 5). The COWG thought these both may be feasible, especially if JCMGA partnered with the Josephine County MGA. Although the May dates overlap the Spring Garden Fair, which will be held on the SOREC campus again, master gardeners who are less physically active may want to staff an information table at the home show instead of assisting at the SGF.


Fundraising Working Group

chair is Sandy Hammond

The Fundraising Working Group meets on the 3rd Friday of each month at 1:00 in the conference room. We sure do welcome newcomers to attend with brainstorming ideas. Our next event will be on Oct.14th at the extension. We are planning a native plant sale, Christmas items including wreaths and other decorations. We will also be selling beautiful garden art made by the Fundraising folks. We hope to have food and other plant vendors join us. We love new ideas and fun participation.


Garden Enhancement Working Group

chair is Janine Salvatti

We are the path maintainers, the provider of garden signage and information boxes, the common-area weeders, the haulers of DG, the creators & caretakers of the Entry Sign planter and the Gathering Place, the temporary helpers in gardens in need of a helping  hand, makers of glass art in the garden.  We look our best dusted in soil, dotted with those dang sticky weed seeds, and with garden hats askew-it’s more picturesque if I say at a “ jaunty angle”. Most of all we are appreciators of all the volunteer gardeners who work hard to maintain the Demonstration Gardens.


Marketing and Technology Working Group

chair is Marcia Harris

We have been busy looking at the technology which JCMGA has and asking if it meets our current and future needs.


Member Services Working Group

chair is Barbara Low

We are busy planning the Membership Picnic, which will be Saturday, August 19th. We hope that you will join us for this celebration!

We have developed a DRAFT proposal for the “Friends of JCMGA”.  The Community Outreach Working Group and Member Services Working Group are working together on this concept.


Program Support Working Group

chair is Grace Florjancic

While the 2024 Master Gardener training class is months away preparations have begun! Thank you to all the 2023 students for providing feedback about what worked well and what needed improvements. This is very helpful for me in creating the layout for the 2024 schedule. If you are interested in becoming a Garden Bud or know someone interested in becoming a Garden Bud, please let me know! Garden Buds play an important role in supporting our new students in class and helping them become familiar with the many aspects of our program.


Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Working Group

chairs are Colet Allen, Susan Koenig, and Barbara Low

We have been busy organizing the Winter Dreams Summer Gardens 2023 Symposium.  This virtual event will be October 27, 28, November 3, and 4.

We have secured our 14 speakers on a wide variety of topics.

There are details posted on the JCMGA website.

REGISTRATION will be open Monday, August 14th!