- WE WANT YOU on the JCMGA Board! - July 15, 2021
- OSU Extension Master Gardener Program Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative - July 5, 2021
- JCMGA WANTS YOU! - June 28, 2021
Dear Gardeners,
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday. It probably looked a little different this year than in past years, but I hope you all had the chance to connect with family and friends all the same.
Lynn wrote a great column about the recent statewide address from Gail Langellotto, current programs around the state, and courses that Master Gardeners can look forward to during the 2021 Elevated Master Gardener Training. Stay tuned to updates from OSU regarding registration and more class details. Again, this training is free and optional for current Master Gardeners, including 2021 students, and will take the place of traditional Master Gardener Volunteer training. We hope to resume training for new volunteers in 2022.
In case you missed the “Thank You” video to all Master Gardener Volunteers from Master Gardener Celebration week, click here to watch.
I also want to give a quick reminder to please submit your hours in the VRS, or mail your hours to me/bring them to the Extension office by Friday, Dec. 4. I want to make sure your hours are included in annual reporting. We use these numbers to show the university what we’re doing, in addition to showing the County Commissioners the value that Master Gardeners bring to the local community. It helps us maintain funding to keep the Extension open and otherwise fund the MG Program (such as funding the coordinator’s position).
To help you categorize your hours, here is the document which describes the different volunteer categories (click here for the overall Volunteer Resources page on the OSU MG Program page on the SOREC website). For students, half of your 40 hours (due in October 2021) must be direct or indirect education hours. For recertifying volunteers, a minimum of 10 out of your 20 volunteer service hours must also be direct or indirect education hours (this means educating the public. Personal education for oneself is covered by continuing education credits). Again, hours for recertifying volunteers were waived in 2020, but if you have them, please report them!
In case you are looking for more reading, check out these two recent articles from OSU Extension and the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture:
What’s the Real Story? Garden Myths Debunked
National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: Plant a Tree, Improve Your Life
Happy holidays and “see you” in 2021!
– Erika
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