Did you lose your MG badge? Need a Replacement?
Don’t worry, a replacement badge can be ordered for you! Each replacement badge costs $6 and can be paid for at the front office. In the mean time, I will print you out a temp paper badge to wear. Please add your name and graduation year to the list for a replacement badge. Badge Replacement List
Upcoming Classes
Master Gardener Trivia Night: Thursday February 6th 7:00pm – 8:00pm Online Via Zoom and Slido
A smorgasbord of unrelated garden trivia. Questions may be drawn from the nooks and crannies of the giant Master Gardener handbook, plant clinic experiences and questions, or horticultural pests of concern in Oregon. Challenge yourself and your fellow Master Gardeners—this season closer will be tough (and fun)!
MG Trivia night counts as an hour of continuing education credit. Certified MGs are eligible to win prizes during trivia nights. Join us on Zoom here!
Why Natives?: Saturday Febrary 15 1:00pm-2:30pm Online Only
Join JCLS and the Jackson County Master Gardeners to learn about native biodiversity! Native plants are crucial to ecosystem health and protecting life on earth. Choosing native plants helps restore vital ecosystem services in our landscapes. This presentation outlines seven steps you can take to create healthy, productive gardens and help save our disappearing pollinators and birds. Register here!
Green Your Garden With Graywater: February 20 6:00pm-7:30pm Online Only
Concerned about landscape water usage during fire season and drought? Interested in installing a graywater system, but don’t know where to start? In this presentation, we will discuss:
How a household graywater system helps conserve water in times of drought, while keeping landscape plants hydrated
Assessing your site
Designing, building, and operating different graywater systems—legally, safely, and effectively
Oregon DEQ graywater codes and local permits
Rose Pruning: Saturday February 22 10:00am-12:00pm In Person Only
Have roses you are not sure how to prune? Join the Master Gardeners in our Rose Demonstration Garden as we teach you the ins and outs of pruning the perfect roses. Bring you gardening glove and pruners if you have them!
Class size limited to 12 participants. Register here!
Maintaining and Preparing Gardening Tools: Saturday March 1 1:00pm-2:30pm Online Only
Whether a garden consists of a few pots of flowers or multiple acres for growing food, gardeners will inevitably need a variety of tools, from pruning shears and trowels to shovels and hand saws. In order to keep the garden looking fresh and disease-free, these tools need to be maintained regularly. Join JCLS and the Jackson County Master Gardeners to learn about common garden tools, the importance of keeping them clean, and tips and tricks for maintaining, sharpening, and preparing tools for your spring garden just around the corner. Register here!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities!
Spring Garden Fair: May 3 & 4
Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming ways to be involved in the Spring Garden Fair planning and planting. There are many ways to get involved from helping with advertising, transporting plants to the Expo Center, event set up, and being a cashier. The bulk of help needed will be on the 3rd and 4th but there will be opportunities to help out before and after!
Cultivating Companions: September – October
Dates are set with Talent and Gold Hill Libraries to hold Cultivating Companions classes this fall. Some Instructors from last year will be rejoining the fun but there is space for new volunteers to join the fun. Email grace.florjancic@oregonstate.edu to become an instructor.
Gold Hill: Thursdays Sep 4 – Oct 16 12:30pm-2:30pm
Talent: Thursdays Sep 4 – Oct 16 2:00pm-4:00pm
Seed to Supper: March-April
We are set to launch our first Seed To Supper class since 2019! We have volunteers and dates set with Rogue Retreat to get out there and teach veggie gardening on a budget. If you missed joining the fun this year, keep an eye out this winter for next S2S season.