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President’s Corner


What a great time of the year!

After all our hard work in our gardens for the past few months, we are harvesting our produce and enjoying them with our meals.

Many of you are probably sharing your produce with family, friends, and neighbors.  What a treat!

JCMGA is again doing the Plant A Row project in which we collect any extra produce and give it to Medford Access.  Medford Access makes sure that it goes to families who are struggling to put food on their tables.  We have been collecting produce for approximately one month and have collected 66 pounds!

I encourage you to participate in this project if you have any extra produce.  We collect it on Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. in the Gathering Place on the SOREC grounds, 569 Hanley Road, Central Point.

On another note, we are continuing to look for anyone interested in being a part of our Friends of the Gardens program.  If you know someone who doesn’t want to take the Master Gardeners Class but is interested in working and learning gardening techniques in our wonderful Demonstration Gardens – please contact Grace Florjancic.

We have many volunteer opportunities available through JCMGA.  Please see the article in this month’s Garden Beet for details.

JCMGA is about community service and also about gardening education. Our Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Symposium 2024 is an example of a wide variety of gardening presentations.  This event will again be via Zoom.  It will be October 18, 19 and 25, 26.  All presentations will be recorded and available for viewing until December 31, 2024.  Registration is now open at .  You can also view the list of presenters and their presentations along with the presentation schedule.

The cost is $30!  Great deal!

JCMGA has a lot going on.  We are excited about the opportunities that we are providing.  If you are interested in joining us, please contact me.