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So Long, Farewell… (in Sound of Music Style)

The Creepy Old House (COH) had been home to many Master Gardener students over the years. We fondly remember its heyday for the friends we made and lessons we learned there.  But now the building will fade into our history, as Phase 1 of demolition started the week of October 21, 2024.

When I entered the demo gardens this morning (10/23/24) I was so surprised to see work commencing on the COH. This first phase is asbestos remediation.  Balfor is a local contractor and expert in this field.  One of their folks, Ben, took time to explain the many precautions they must take while working with asbestos, since no particles of asbestos can be released into the air.

They create something like a plastic balloon with separate enclosures for dirty and clean inside the COH. Their technicians wear full hazard suits. When the air is finally released into the atmosphere it is represented to be cleaner than the native air. It’s quite an impressive process!

Of course, there are several more phases to come. But as exciting as the new classroom project is, I admit I felt a pang of nostalgia as I took the ol’ girl’s photos.