- JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2024 - December 31, 2024
- JCMGA Board Minutes – October 11 2024 - December 1, 2024
- JCMGA Fall Board Retreat Meeting Minutes October 4, 2024 - October 31, 2024
Jackson County Master Gardener Association
Annual & Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2024
Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom):
Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG, Chair Member Services WG
Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG
Rob MacWhorter, President Elect
Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG
Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer
Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary
Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary
Pam Hillers, Archivist
Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG
Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG
Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large
Sandy Hammond, Member-at-Large
Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large
Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG
Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG
Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG
Michael Hornbeek, Student Representative
Susan Koenig, Co-Chair Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG
Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator
Board Members Absent:
Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large
Sherri Morgan
Carolyn Piatt
Linda Jo Millus
Tami Cisneros
Mary Schrouder
Lindsay Trumbull
Lynn Kunstman
Margie Dode
Becky Belau
Alice Ingraham
Annual Meeting: President Barbara Low called the annual meeting to order at 9:00am and welcomed members in attendance.
The following updates were provided to members in attendance for the annual meeting:
- OSU Master Gardener Class of 2023 & 2024: OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic provided an update on both classes. The 2023 class had 40 students graduate. The 2024 class has 45 graduates. Grace commented that students in both classes were very positive and enthusiastic.
- Practicum Update: Jane Moyer reported on the changes to Practicum mentors as several mentors have moved on to other activities. There have been 22 mentors and one helper. The mentor group revised the Practicum curriculum, bought supplies, addressed greenhouse maintenance including electrical issues. Support was given to the Seed Team, the Greenhouse Team, and the Native Plants Team. Jane will be retiring from leading the Practicum program. The Board commended Jane for her dedication and hard work in making the Practicum program a huge success for JCMGA.
- Community Education Classes: OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic provided an update on the monthly community education classes. Classes have averaged ten attendees. Attendees have been a mix of Master Gardeners and community members. The drip irrigation class was a big hit and will be repeated.
- Spring Garden Fair: Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki, Co-Chairs of the Spring Garden Fair reported on the success of the 2024 fair despite one, very rainy day. Net revenue earned was over $13,000. Plans are already underway for the 2025 Spring Garden Fair which will be held at the Jackson County Expo. In addition, Marcie and Lucy are planning the 2024 Fall Festival.
- Gardens & Grounds: Gardens Working Group Chair, Janine Salvatti shared recent activities of the group despite losing one member. Bringing garden clubs and the community for tours of the demonstration gardens has been successful. Volunteer working groups have helped a great deal with clean-up of the rose and lavender gardens.
- Presence at Public Venues: President Barbara Low and Community Outreach Working Group Chair Ronnie Budge outlined success in increasing JCMGA’s presence at various venues. The goal has been to accept community invitations as much as possible to promote the Master Gardener program, JCMGA, and the Friends of the Gardens program. This has been an opportunity to also sell Garden Guides and bring examples of native plants. Key venues this year included the Josephine County Home Show, the Medford Open Street event, and the Earth Day event at Heron Park in Phoenix.
- Upcoming Changes to SOREC Grounds: OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic provided a SOREC update. Heidi Gehman, Administrative Office Manager will be leaving for a new position at Southern Oregon University. Campus redesign is moving slowly. SOREC is supportive of the preliminary redesign for structures supporting the Master Gardener program.
- JCMGA Annual Picnic: The annual picnic will be held June 29th. A keynote speaker on monarch advocacy has been invited. Several membership awards will be announced.
- JCMGA Winter Dreams Summer Gardens (WDSG) 2023 & 2024: President Barbara Low and Co-Chair of WDSG reported that in 2023 there were 140 attendees for 14 presentations. A follow up survey was conducted. Data from this survey was utilized for planning the 2024 WDSG. For 2024, there will be 16 presentations. Registration opens in August.
- Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA): Colet Allen, OMGA Representative provided an update on the OMGA Joy of Gardening conference to be held July 12 & 13 in Corvallis.
- Questions & Comments: There were no questions from attendees.
Regular Meeting: President Barbara Low called the regular meeting to order at 9:57am.
Additions to the Agenda: A request was made to add discussion of the upcoming Lavender Trail event.
Approval of the Consent Agenda: Jane Moyer asked a Finance Report question that will be addressed during discussion of the Finance Report presentation. Jane also asked about whether the 2024 WDSG would include a presentation on perennials. A speaker was not found for this year but will be included in the 2025 WDSG program.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion passed
Approval of the Agenda:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.
Approval of the Board Minutes from May 10, 2024:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the Board Minutes as written. Motion passed.
Approval of the Board Retreat Minutes from May 24, 2024:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the Board Minutes as written. Motion passed.
Update on Community Gardens Grants: Sherri Morgan, Chair of the Community Garden Grant Committee, presented to the Board grants awarded to five applicants. The awardees included:
- Holly Street Community Garden in Medford – $350
- Don Jones memorial Park Community Garden in Central Point – $500
- Sanctuary One in Jacksonville – $500
- Ashland Community Food Bank Garden – $500
- Blue Heron Community Garden in Phoenix – $320
The next step for the committee is to finalize a draft policy on this process and present to the Board for discussion and approval.
Finance Report: Treasurer Keltie Nelson responded to questions from the Board regarding the May financial statements. Jane Moyer noted that the Native Plant Nursery line items should be recorded under the Practicum budget.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to accept the May financial statements with the changes to the Practicum budget. Motion passed.
MG Program Coordinator Report: OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported that Heidi Gehman, Administrative Office Manager will be leaving for a new position at Southern Oregon University. Grace has contacted Access regarding picking up produce from the Plant-a-Row initiative. Seed to Supper program is still on hold. Grace anticipates restarting the program in the spring of 2025. Grace raised the question of splitting the cost of a utility trailer for dumping between SOREC and JCMGA. SOREC is purchasing the trailer and JCMGA does have a need to utilize this functionality. The Gardens Working Group will review the need, potential utilization, and cost and provide a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting.
President’s Report: President Barbara Low shared the following information with the Board:
- President Low reported that the monthly meetings with MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic continue to go well and are very beneficial. Barbara recommends these continue in the future. This past month included SOREC Farm Manager Jake Hoyman to review preparations for the Spring Garden Fair.
- President Low introduced the new JCMGA website page for the Friends of the Gardens program.
- President Low noted that the next Board meeting scheduled for July 12th conflicts with the OMGA Joy of Gardening conference. Barbara proposes the Board meet on July 11th
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to move the Board meeting date from July 12th to July 11th with the caveat that the meeting will be canceled unless there are time sensitive agenda items that cannot wait until the Board meeting in August. Motion passed.
- President Low updated the Board on the revision to the online membership renewal form.
- President Low noted that a number of members have requested assistance with Dropbox. Barbara will organize an in-person training session on the use of Dropbox for all who are interested.
JCMGA Board Nominations Committee: President Low noted that it is time to form the Board Nominations Committee for election to the 2025 Board. Rob MacWhorter, as President Elect will chair the committee. Marcie Katz, Ann Ackles, Colet Allen, and Michael Hornbeek volunteered to be on the committee. Member Lynn Kunstman recommended contacting Kathy Rogers as a potential committee member.
Membership Secretary Report: Membership Secretary Ann Ackles reported that all updates and corrections to the membership database have been completed. Ann will be sending out printed member updates to all members for insertion into the current membership directory.
- Design Ad Hoc Committee Update: Jane Moyer provided the update. The Creepy Old House will not be demolished until July or possibly August. The Director of SOREC has offered to include demolition of the tool shed, Peggy’s greenhouse, and the propagation house at the same time as the Creepy Old House at no cost to JCMGA. This will require the need to find storage space for items currently in these structures. Jane is recommending the Board consider renting a storage container from Medford Mobile Storage. A 20X8 container costs $110 per month with a $125 delivery fee and a $125 pick-up fee. This container will be needed until new structures are in place.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve renting a 20X8 storage container from Medford Mobile Storage. Motion passed.
The committee has been collecting feedback on design ideas. It is clear now that this will need to be at least a three-year project. Greenhouse #1 can be used next year for Practicum and a propagation space. A tentative target for 2026 would be completion of a tool shed, lathe house, and classroom; a new Greenhouse #1.2 possibly in 2026.
- Practicum Updates: Jane Moyer provided an update to changes in the Practicum program especially in mentor leadership as outlined above in her report for the annual meeting. Greenhouse #1 is in need of a water heater which can be used in the future for a new Greenhouse #1.2.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to purchase a new hot water heater for Greenhouse #1. Motion passed.
- Spring Garden Fair (SPF): Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki, Co-Chairs of the SPF provided an update to the Board. No contracts have been signed as yet. Marcie and Lucy are looking at options for barricades, security, and bike racks.
- JCMGA 2024 Strategic Plan Revision: This agenda item was tabled for a later meeting.
- President Barbara Low noted that the Mailchimp regarding the annual picnic scheduled for June 29th has been sent.
- Volunteers are needed for the JCMGA booth at the July 19-20th Josephine County Expo.
- Colet Allen noted that the tours of the demonstration gardens have been successful.
- Colet Allen reminded the Board of the OMGA Joy of Gardening conference scheduled for July 12-13th. Besides the monetary donation, the Board agreed to donate garden art work left over from sale at the Spring Garden Fair.
- Marcie Katz and Lucy Pylkki noted that they have emailed other Extension Center programs to see if they want to participate in the Fall Festival which will be held on September 28th.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.
Next Meeting:
- The next Board meeting will be held July 11, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am.
Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary