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Kathy Apple

JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – February 9, 2024

By Beet 2024 04 April

Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom):

Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Marcie Katz, Past President

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer

Pam Hillers, Archivist

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG

Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG

Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator

Janet Wright, Student Representative

Board Members Absent:

Rob MacWhorter, Member-at-Large

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large

Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG

Randa Linthwaite, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Marketing & Technology WG

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 9:34am by President Barbara Low.  President Low welcomed Janet Wright, the new MG student representative to the Board.

Additions to the Agenda:  Kathy Apple asked to have the Finance Report pulled from the Consent Agenda.

 Approval of the Consent Agenda:   The Finance Report was pulled from the Consent Agenda.  A question was raised as to what the initials NPNT meant in the Fundraising WG report (Native Plant Nursery Team).  President Low noted that the same report included the 2024 Fall Festival date as September 28th which conflicts with the Board Retreat scheduled for September 27th (Fall Festival set-up date).  The Board Retreat was rescheduled for October 4, 2024.  The OMGA Report referenced a financial letter which should have identified the OSU Foundation as the correct recipient of the letter.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as amended.  Motion passed.

Approval of the Agenda:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.

 Approval of the Board Minutes from January 12, 2024:  The minutes were amended to correct name misspellings and add “Motion passed” after every motion to be clear on outcome.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the January 12, 2024 Board Minutes as amended.  Motion passed.

Approval of the Board Retreat Minutes from January 26, 2024:

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the January 26, 2024 Board Retreat Minutes as written.  Motion passed.


  1. President Low shared that she has sent the plaque honoring Irv Johnson and a letter acknowledging his accomplishments to his family.
  2. President Low has initiated monthly meetings with Grace Florjancic, Past President Marcie Katz, and SOREC Farm Manager Jake Hoyman to improve communication and collaboration amongst all parties.
  3. President Low reminded the Board that a nomination committee will need to be formed to make OMGA award nominations for 2024. Nominations are due May 15, 2024.
  4. A letter was sent to the OSU Foundation authorizing the scholarship award for the current school year.
  5. Sandy Hammond has organized a JCMGA booth for the Josepine County Home show February 16-18, 2024 at the county fairgrounds.


1, Bylaw Revision: Recording Secretary Apple presented the second reading of the proposed JCMGA Bylaw revision.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the proposed revisions to the JCMGA Bylaws.  Motion passed.

  1. Review & Approve Revisions to the JCMGA Policy 3.5 OSU Scholarships: Secretary Apple presented the proposed revision to Policy 3.5.  A new policy regarding Community Garden grants will be drafted by Sheri Morgan and Ronnie Budge.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the proposed revision to Policy 3.5 OSU Scholarships.  Motion passed.

  1. MG Program Coordinator Report: OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported that three class sessions have now been held with the new 2024 MG class.  Former students have been participating for refresher updates. The renovation plans for the SOREC grounds are still in limbo until the property sewer and septic issues can be resolved.
  2. Plants for Gramps Rural Grant Opportunity: OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported on a grant opportunity and seeks JCMGA’s support as a fiscal agent.   The grant provides horticultural education at rural libraries for seniors with the additional goal of decreasing social isolation and improving mental health.  Grace believes the grant can easily be administered in conjunction with her current responsibilities.  Grace asks that JCMGA be the recipient of the grant monies and disburse the funds according to the requirements of the grant.  The question was raised as to what, if any, liability JCMGA might incur.  Sandy Hammond will be asked to check with our liability insurance carrier.

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the application to the Plants for Gramps Rural Grant contingent on clearance by the JCMGA liability insurance carrier.  Motion passed.

  1. JCMGA President-Elect & Member-at-Large: President Low reported that no one has expressed interest in the President-Elect position to date.  Additionally, Randa Linthwaite, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Marketing & Technology WG has resigned her position.  President Low will now Co-Chair for Marketing & Technology along with Keltie Nelson as the other Co-Chair.  This leaves the Member-at-Large position vacant.
  2. OMGA Alternate Representative: OMGA Representative Colet Allen reported that she has been in touch with members who may be interested in the appointment to this position.  She will follow up with the Board in March.


  1. Financial Report: Secretary Apple asked to have this report pulled off the Consent Agenda for a question.  The item was tabled until the March Board meeting.
  2. Board Retreat: President Low led the Board in a discussion of proposed strategic goals and objectives for 2024.  A final draft will be presented at the March Board meeting.  Working groups will be asked to prioritize activities under each objective for what is most important and can be reasonably accomplished given limited resources.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.

Next Meeting:   The next Board meeting will be held March 8, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am.

Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary



JCMGA Board Retreat – January 26 2024

By Beet 2024 03 March

Jackson County Master Gardener Association 

Board Retreat Meeting Minutes 

January 26, 2024 


Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom): 

Barbara Low, President, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Co-Chair 

Marcie Katz, Past President, Spring Garden Fair WG Co-Chair 

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer 

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer 

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary 

Pam Hillers, Archivist 

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary 

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Winter Dreams Summer Gardens Co-Chair 

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large 

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Spring Garden Fair WG Co-Chair 

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large 

Rob MacWhorter, Member-at-Large 

Jane Moyer, Fundraising WG Chair 

Janine Salvatti, Gardens WG Chair 

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator 


Board Members Absent: 

Ronnie Budge, Community Outreach WG Chair 

Randa Linthwaite, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG 

Call to Order:  The retreat was called to order at 9:30am by President Barbara Low. 

Agenda:  President Low introduced the agenda for the retreat which included: 

  1. Review and evaluation of the goals set by the Board in January 2023. 
  1. Review and discussion of the recent Member Services survey data and input from the Working groups in order to develop new goals for 2024. 
  1. Discussion on broad goals to be developed into the JCMGA Strategic Plan for 2024. 


President Low provided as resources for discussion the JCMGA goals for 2023, the Member Services Survey Data from November 2023 Survey, and a draft strategic plan that could be used to organize the proposed 2024 goals. 

  1.  Review of JCMGA 2023 Goals: 
  1. Friends of the Garden:  This program concept was approved by the Board in 2023.  A committee has been formed to implement the program with a proposed start date of April 2024.  An article will be published in the Garden Beet and a contest held for a logo for the program. 
  1. Spring Garden Fair:  The SGF was a huge success coming out of the pandemic.  Over $15 thousand dollars were raised in revenue.  The one-day event was held on the Extension grounds for the first time.  The 2024 SPG Working Group is meeting weekly and planning a two-day event that will include more vendors.  Use of the Extension grounds now requires a usage fee for parking, the small classroom, and the auditorium. 
  1. Increase the number of students in the MG class:  The 2023 class had 55 students to start, up from 22 students in 2022.  The 2024 class has 55 students. 
  1. Grant Writing:  One grant was received in 2023 to build an ADA compliant pathway through the Lavender Garden.  The Fundraising Working Group has an ambitious agenda for pursuing several grants in 2024 for projects such as a new lath house, replacement of Greenhouse #1, a new tool shed, and application for the OMGA Karl Carlson grant. 
  1. Practicum:  The Practicum students produced the first plant sale in three years for 2023 which included plants from the Native Nursery.  New Practicum mentors have been secured for 2024.  The priority goals for 2024 are education and fundraising. 
  1. Seed to Supper:   Due to OSU staffing changes in 2023, there were no Seed to Supper programs offered in Jackson County.  For 2024, OSU MG Program Coordinator, Grace Florjancic, has secured three new program sites and three new instructors per site. 
  1. Committees Working Together:  JCMGA has improved communication and collaboration between Working Groups and committees.  Community Outreach, Friends of the Garden, Gardens Working Group, Garden Enhancement Committee, Fundraising Working Group, and Marketing & Technology Working Group, all found common ground on various projects.   
  1. Update JCMGA Website, Marketing, and Data:  The website has been updated.  Membership surveys have collected data on membership needs.  Data will be published in the Garden Beet. 
  1. JCMGA Brochure:  A new updated brochure was developed for public use in 2023. 
  1. Community Education Program:  Due to OSU staffing changes in 2023, there were no programs however OSU MG Program Coordinator, Grace Florjancic was able to secure suggestions for future speakers and conducted a survey for desired topics to be used in 2024. 
  1. Garden Buds:  In 2023 there were 14 Garden Buds.  This group held a meeting to review how the program could be improved and clarified role expectations.  There are 11 Garden Buds for 2024. 
  1.  Grow Winter Vegetables:  This was not accomplished as there was no one available to oversee the project nor was a location for growing the vegetables identified.   
  1. Include other SOREC Program Groups:  SOREC groups decided to not participate in the 2023 Fall Festival.  JCMGA will reach out again for 2024. 
  1. Garden Club Invitation Tours.   Local garden clubs belonging to the Siskiyou District of the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs were invited to tour the demonstration gardens.  Four tours were held and this garden tour invitation will be repeated in 2024.  Plants from the Native Nursery were sold during the tours. 
  1. Paid Labor:  Paid labor was utilized in 2023 for cleaning gutters.  Additional ideas were brainstormed particularly related to jobs difficult for volunteers to conduct. 
  1. President Low led members through the results of the membership survey regarding what members would like to see added and what JCMGA could improve upon.  Board members underscored the following feedback. 
  1. Provide fun social gatherings coupled with learning opportunities. 
  1. Develop youth involvement particularly elementary school age children. 
  1. Increase engagement with the public such as returning to the Farmers Market. 
  1. Show appreciation to the volunteers. 
  1. Increase communication on community education classes. 
  1. Increase outreach to more diverse communities. 
  1. Continue some of the goals from 2023. 
  1. Be specific to what volunteers are need to do for volunteer activities. 
  1. Hold a reunion/picnic, social gathering with a keynote speaker, and appreciation of volunteers. 
  1. Introduce new SOREC staff at a regular Board meeting. 
  1. In the next survey, add what members would like to see in the Garden Beet. 
  1. Develop Broad Goals for 2024:   President Low led the Board in a discussion for overall strategic goals for 2024 that would also capture prioritized JCMGA activities (objectives).  It was proposed to utilize the concepts laid out in the purpose statements included in the Articles of Association as broad goals.  These concepts include support of the OSU MG program, promoting wide dissemination of information to the public, working with other organizations to promote gardening in the community, and providing scholarships and grants.  Based on the day’s discussion, President Low will draft goals and objectives for a proposed 2024 strategic plan for review by the Board at the February 9, 2024 Board meeting. 

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am 

Next Meeting:    Regular Board meeting, Friday, February 9, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am. 

Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary 



JCMGA Board Minutes – January 12 2024

By Beet 2024 03 March

Jackson County Master Gardener Association 

Board Meeting Minutes 

January 12, 2024 


Board Members Present (In-Person or Via Zoom): 

Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG 

Keltie Nelson, Treasurer 

Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer 

Pam Hillers, Archivist 

Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary 

Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG 

Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large 

Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG 

Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large 

Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG  

Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG 

Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG  

Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator 


Board Members Absent: 

Rob MacWhorter, Member-at-Large 

Marcie Katz, Past President 

Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary 

Randa Linthwaite, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Marketing & Technology WG 


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 9:31am by President Barbara Low. 

Additions to the Agenda:  There were no additions to the agenda. 

Approval of the Consent Agenda:   Comments were raised regarding the Member Services Report regarding possible duties of Friends of the Gardens including people who are experienced in writing grants and assisting with seeding and transplanting seedlings for the Practicum.   


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as discussed.  Motion passed. 

Approval of the Agenda:  The agenda item Cosmic Coir was moved from Announcements to Motions.   

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.  

Approval of the Board Minutes from December 2023:  The minutes were amended to indicate Rob MacWhorter’s presence at the meeting and that the presentation by the Governing Documents Committee included review of the Articles of Association, the Bylaws, and the Policy Manual.   

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the December 2023 Board Minutes as amended.  Motion passed. 



  1. President Low shared that she has not heard back from Irv Johnson’s family regarding the JCMGA appreciation plaque. 
  1. Recording Secretary Kathy Apple presented a new revision to the Bylaws for the Board’s review; therefore, the Board will not vote on the Bylaw revisions until the February 2024 Board meeting.  The new addition to the Bylaw’s adds the Recording Secretary position to the Executive Committee membership. 
  1. OMGA Representative Colet Allen shared that she will keep the Board updated at each meeting regarding the OMGA Joy of Gardening conference (July 12 & 13).  All conference presenters have been confirmed. 
  1. President Barbara Low stated that based on the recent membership survey, all Board meetings will be hybrid meetings (both in person and Zoom) for the entire year. 



  1. Update on SOREC Extension Remodeling:  Heidi Gehman, SOREC Administrative Office Manager, shared with the Board that the proposed house with two or more bedrooms may require an additional septic system and leach field.  This may in turn affect where the house will be built and the future of the JCMGA Vegetable Demonstration Garden.  The conference room in the main building is being converted into three offices and Heidi is in the process of ordering an Owl for videoconferencing in the small classroom.  The demolition of the creepy old house has not been scheduled. 
  1. JCMGA President-Elect Position:  President Low stated she has not as yet found a member to fill the President-Elect vacancy.  She encouraged Board Members to send her suggestions of members who may be interested. 
  1. Appoint Members to the Bylaw Committee. 


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to appoint Barbara Low, Jane Moyer, Sandy Hansen, and Kathy Apple to the 2024 Bylaws Committee.  Motion passed. 

  1. Appoint Members to the Executive Committee: Per the Bylaws, the Executive Committee includes as members, the President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, and three Board Members appointed by the President. 


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to confirm the appointment of Colet Allen, Janine Salvatti, and Lucy Pylkki as the additional members of the 2024 Executive Committee.  Motion passed. 

  1. Appoint Members to the Budget Committee:  The Budget Committee is chaired by the Treasurer. 


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to confirm the appointment of Barbara Low, Regula Pepi, and Jane Moyer to the 2024 Budget Committee.  Motion passed. 

  1. OSU Class 2024 Student MG First Lunch Committee:  The first MG class will be held January 24, 2024.   JCMGA typically hosts lunch for the new students.  


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to appoint Barbara Low, Jane Moyer, Colet Allen, Lucy Pylkki, Kathy Apple, and Janine Salvatti to the student lunch committee.   Motion passed. 

  1. Business Plan Committee:   This committee met briefly in 2023.  The goal of a business plan and/or a strategic plan will be tabled to the Board Retreat scheduled for January 26, 2024. 
  1. Treasurer KeltieNelson presented the proposed 2024 budget to the Board and responded to questions from the Board. 


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the proposed 2024 fiscal budget.  Motion passed. 

  1. Review & Approve Revisions to the Articles of Association:  Secretary Apple presented the proposed revisions to the Articles of Association as recommended by the Governing Documents Review Committee. 


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve the proposed revisions to the JCMGA Articles of Association.  Motion passed. 

  1. Review & Approve Revisions to the JCMGA Policy Manual.   Secretary Apple presented proposed revisions to several policies.  Policy 3.5 OSU Scholarships was held for additional revision and will be presented at the February 2024 Board meeting for review and approval. 


MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to approve all policies in the JCMGA Policy Manual except Policy 3.5 OSU Scholarships, as reviewed and revised per policy 1.2 Governing Documents Review.  Motion passed. 

  1. Future Lath House:   Jane Moyer raised the question of whether the Board should consider building a Lath House for shade plants in the near future.  It was also noted in discussion that Greenhouse One and the Tool Shed will need replacement soon as well.  The old propagation greenhouse which contains asbestos may need to be demolished. 
  1. Board Retreat:   The Board will hold a retreat at the SOREC Auditorium on January 26, 2024 from 9:30-11:30am.  Discussion items will include review of 2023 strategic goals and identification of goals for 2024. 
  1. Cosmic Connections Donation:   Jane Moyer reported that Cosmic Connections, where JCMGA purchases blocks of coir, has requested JCMGA receive annual donations of coir blocks for distribution to gardeners in need.  This request is to honor the memory of Cosmic Connections founder Dr. Ajit S. Nehra who passed away in January 2023. 

MOTION:  It was moved and seconded to accept the annual donation of coir blocks from Cosmic Connections and redistribute the blocks to gardeners in need.  The donation distribution will be overseen by the Community Outreach Working Group and the OSU MG Coordinator.  Motion passed. 

MG Program Coordinator Report:  OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported that the new 2024 MG class will begin this month and will likely have 55 students and possibly a waiting list.  She also reported that evening continuing education classes have begun. 

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am. 

Next Meeting:   A Board Retreat will be held Friday, January 26, 2024 from 9:30am to 11:30am.  The next Board meeting will be held February 9, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am. 

Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary 



A Loss for Us All

By Beet 2023 06 June

Many of you may have had the pleasure and good fortune of attending one of Dr. Bernadine C. Strik’s excellent presentations at past Winter Dreams/Summer Gardens Events.  A Professor in the Department of Horticulture for Oregon State University (OSU), she often graciously shared her extensive expertise as a berry specialist.  Sadly, Bernadine Strik died of ovarian cancer on April 14, 2023, leaving behind her husband, Dr. Neil Bell, and their two daughters.


Born in Holland, Bernadine Strik grew up in Australia and then in Vancouver, BC, where her parents owned and operated a large retail nursery. Working at the nursery, she became enamored of horticulture.  She entered the University of Victoria, where she earned a B.S. in botany with honors and completed her undergraduate thesis on rhododendron propagation.


Bernadine went on to earn a doctorate with distinction in horticulture at age 25 from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.  Upon graduation, the new Dr. Strik accepted a position as assistant professor at OSU in 1987.  Dr. Strik focused her research on commercial berry crop physiology and production systems.  By 1992, she was Berry Research Leader for North Willamette Research and Extension Center, a 160-acre research farm south of Portland.


In 1990, Bernadine met her future husband. Dr. Neil Bell also was a horticulturalist and says that “Berries brought us together.”  They were married in 1994 and Neil joined Bernadine at OSU, working in community horticulture for Extension until his retirement in 2022.  They were avid travelers together, visiting other countries both for pleasure and to collect plants and share information.  They at times were joined by their daughters to hike challenging routes.

In Dr. Strik’s 34 years at OSU, she made a significant impact on Oregon’s berry industry.  In that time, blueberry acreage in Oregon grew from 1,200 to 15,000 acres, with large changes in production systems based on her research.  Her landmark 14-year study on organic blueberry production – planting methods, fertilization, mulching, cultivar adaptation, and weed control – helped drive an increase in Oregon’s organic acreage from 2% in 2006 to 20% in 2020, as growers adopted Dr. Strik’s research-based production methods to increase profitability.


Dr. Strik’s career was studded with accolades.  In 2007, she was honored by the receipt of the American Society for Horticultural Science Fellows Award.  As she retired in 2021, she received the highest honor bestowed by the International Society for Horticultural Science for her industry-changing program on berries.  This award is bestowed on scientists who have made a significant impact on horticulture internationally.  She was a dynamic presenter and a prolific author of many publications that are referenced worldwide.


Dr. Bernadine Strik will long be remembered for the beneficial contributions she made to Oregon’s berry crop industry through her innovative research, teaching, and outreach at OSU Extension.  She will be missed.



Funding Master Gardener Programs Across the State

By Beet 2023 02 February

Did you know that Master Gardener programs exist because the Oregon State Legislatures funds faculty and staff through the OSU Statewide Public Service Programs?  Currently five counties, Benton, Clatsop, Douglas, Linn & Tillamook, do not have faculty or staff support for a Master Gardener program.  Funding for our own Jackson County is never guaranteed without your support!

The Oregon State Legislature has just begun building the state budget for 2023-2025.  They have about five months to get the job done.

Ask your State of Oregon Senator & Representative now to support OSU Statewide Public Service Programs at $206M.

MG Program funding is part of this package.

  • Tell them about your love for gardening and educating the public.
  • Share stories about how your service makes your community a better place!
  • Act now when the Oregon Legislature is making budget decisions!

If you need help contacting your representatives, go to the Oregon Master Gardener Association website advocacy page at

There you will find a toolkit to help you.  The toolkit includes a short form letter to send to your legislators, talking points for calling your legislators, sample letters to customize your message, and legislature contact information.

Keep our Master Gardener program alive and well!  Contact your state representatives today!