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Beat the Winter Blues

By January 31, 2025Beet 2025 02 February
Jane Moyer
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When it’s cold, grey, rainy, foggy, and just plain yucky outside for days on end, many of us get the “winter blues,” otherwise called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  A recent article in “Healthwise,” the newsletter from the PERS Health Insurance Program, reminded me that, while we can’t change the weather or the shorter days, there are things we can do to make winter more bearable.

One action they recommended is volunteering.  Quoting a Mayo Clinic article, “Research shows that volunteering leads to lower rates of depression and anxiety, especially for people age 65 and older by

  • improving mental and physical health

  • giving a sense of purpose

  • teaching valuable skills

  • nurturing new and existing skills”

For some reason still under investigation (thought to probably be the release of dopamine), this is especially true in, although not exclusive to women.  In one program, 85 percent of volunteers felt their lives had improved because of their volunteer involvement.

Although there are numerous volunteer opportunities available in the Rogue Valley, what could be better than Master Gardeners?  The opportunities are limitless, the volunteers are very friendly, and the rewards are many.  It’s a great way to give back to the community and make new friends at the same time.  There are activities at all physical levels and time commitments.  Boundless information keeps your mind active and growing.  And everyone speaks “gardening.”

The Plant Clinic is a wonderful place to expand your gardening knowledge.  Helping in the Practicum or the Wednesday class refreshes your knowledge.  Helping in the gardens provides physical activity.  The eight working groups are each made up of related committees that provide continuing social contact while planning the many valuable JCMGA activities.  Short on time to contribute?  Volunteer to help with Spring Garden Fair or one of the many one-day booths to acquaint the public with Master Gardeners.  Write an article for The Garden Beet.

Here are the people to contact to get more information about the committees involved and eliminate those winter doldrums–

Program Support–Grace Florjancic (541-776-7371)

Marketing and Technology—Lucy Pylkki (541-601-2519) or Keltie Nelson (541-941-8584)

Community Outreach–Michael Hornbeck (713-254-3771)

Fundraising–Jane Moyer (541-890-8561)

Gardens–Janine Salvatti (541-772-0464)

Member Services–Barbara Low (541-840-1615) or Linda Millus (541-772-9787)

Spring Garden Fair–Marcie Katz (541-301-8464) or Lucy Pyllki (541-601-2519)

Winter Dreams Summer Gardens–Colet Allen (425-941-7637), Susan Koenig (510-239-9270) or Barbara Low (541-840-1615)


Healthwise, PERS Health Insurance Program newsletter, Winter 2024