September 11, 2023
The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Zoom at 9:30 a.m. with President
Marcie Katz presiding.
Board Members Present in person: Marcie Katz, Barbara Low, Jane Moyer, Colet Allen, Sandy Hammond, Janine Salvatti, Lucy Pylkki, Cassandra Toews, Rob MacWhorter, Pam Hillers, Grace Florjancic
Board Members Present by Zoom: Sandy Hansen, Sean Cawley, Ronnie Budge, Regula Pepi, Trina Stout, Dee Copley
Absent: Margaret Saydah, Keltie Nelson, Marcia Harris, Kathy Apple
Guests Present in Person: Heidi Gehman
Guests Present by Zoom: Sherri Morgan, Nicole Smith, Lynn Kunstman
Consent Agenda: Ronnie Budge asked two questions:
- In the Finance Report, what does “PST” mean? Treasurer Sean Cawley will provide
the answer at the October meeting.
- Revenue to date for Winter Dreams Summer Gardens was provided in the Finance
Report but not included on the pie chart. Treasurer Sean Cawley explained the pie
chart only shows revenue through the end of July. It will be included on the next one.
Ronnie Budge moved and Lucy Pylkki seconded the Consent Agenda be approved. Passed
Additions to the Agenda: Barbara Low asked that By-laws Committee and board meeting
minutes be added to the agenda.
Approval of Agenda: Marcie Katz moved to have the agenda approved as amended. Janine
Salvatti seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Barbara Low pointed out Colet Allen’s name was misspelled in the list of board members present at the August board meeting. Barbara Low also pointed out it was decided she would not attend the Jackson Co. Commissioners meeting. Pam Hillers moved and Cassandra Toews seconded the July board meeting minutes be approved as corrected.
- Janine Salvatti reported a workshop will be held September 15 in Greenhouse #2 for
making glass mosaic garden art. It will be open to Master Gardeners and the public.
Participants can find the supply list in the August Garden Beet and by Mail Chimp.
Plastic left over from the picnic will be used to cover the tables. The Gardens
Enhancement Committee will prepare the greenhouse.
- Barbara Low reported 60 people made reservations for the picnic but only 50
attended. Joe Alvord stepped in at the last minute to cook.
- Sandy Hammond reminded board members the Fall Festival will be held October 14.
Setup will be Friday, October 13. Plant sale booths will be located in the parking lot.
All other sales will be in Greenhouse #2, including holiday items.
- Barbara Low announced a nominating committee is needed for 2024 officers. Board
members who volunteered include Barbara, Kathy Apple, Lucy Pylkki, and Colet Allen.
Nominations will be announced at the October board meeting.
- Barbara Low asked all Working Groups to check the website for accuracy of any
information pertaining to them.
- Extension Office Manager Heidi Gehman explained the new facilities rental
agreement (See Attachment #1). The rental agreement will be in force for a trial
year. There will be reduced or no rental fees for groups affiliated with SOREC (Master
Gardeners, Food Preservers, 4-H, Land Stewards, etc.) at Heidi’s discretion except for
fund-raising events. After the first year, the rental for fund-raising events may
become a set fee plus a percentage of the proceeds. Pop-up Sales will require a
conversation with Heidi and will be charged at her discretion depending on the needs.
- Heidi was also asked about the Josephine Co. Extension. When the commissioners
cancelled all Extension funding, they didn’t seem to realize Extension included
programs other than 4-H. Master Gardener Coordinator Danielle Knueple has
resigned. In Jackson Co., there have been issues for some 4-H families that are
unhappy with changes being made. However, one commissioner expressed gratitude
for the attention given to address these issues, including two large public meetings
with Dr. Ivory Lyles and other 4-H leadership from OSU. Lena Hosking, 4-H
Coordinator and Stephen McIntire, Program Assistant have both resigned. The
positions will be posted.
Coordinator’s Report: MG Coordinator Grace Florjancic reported
- all Master Gardeners (both perennial and students) should turn in their hours for
November 1, 2022–October 31, 2023 as soon as possible by recording them in the
online VRS ( or by giving Grace a paper copy.
Working group and committee chairs are asked to let Grace know about any
opportunities for students to earn hours.
- she will be working 4 hrs./week with the Josephine Co. Master Gardener Program
until they hire a new coordinator.
- Plant A Row has collected almost 300 lbs. of produce for ACCESS. Barbara Low has
been transporting it when ACCESS couldn’t come get it. Sean Cawley has donated
from the Vegetable Demonstration Garden.
Discussion items:
- Sherri Morgan reported on the last SOREC Advisory Committee meeting: Alec Levin is
planning to enlarge the committee by adding more community members, the Creepy
Old House will be coming down, Alec will be getting plans drawn for the grounds
improvements including a pavilion, Gordon Jones has transferred to Crook County.
- President-elect Barbara Low asked to have the Bylaws Committee do an annual
review as prescribed in Policy 1.2 and Article IV Section 4. In addition to Barbara,
members will include Kathy Apple, Sandy Hansen, and Jane Moyer. Pam Hillers
suggested the Bylaws Committee should be a standing committee rather than ad hoc.
This will be discussed at the October meeting.
Motion Items:
- Barbara Low reported an evaluation of Question Pro that JCMGA uses for surveys, is
due. After discussion of the benefits, Ronnie Budge moved and Colet Allen seconded
that a positive evaluation be given. Passed.
- Jane Moyer reported the donor of the $10,000 grant, would like to have a ground
plaque placed in the Lavender Garden to acknowledge their contribution. Kendyl
Berkowitz has provided a suggested format
( Kendyl thinks she
can get the donor, Fortune Brand, to pay for the plaque. Cassandra Toews moved and
Janine Salvatti seconded that JCMGA accept the suggested format for the plaque.
The motion passed.
- Barbara Low moved and Cassandra Toews seconded that approved board meeting
minutes be included in The Garden Beet with The Garden Beet publisher editing as
needed. Motion passed.
- Barbara Low, on behalf of the Member Services Working Group and the Community
Outreach Working Group, moved the Friends of the Gardens proposal (Attachment
#2) be accepted by the board. Unanimous approval.
MEETING ADJOURNED: President Marcie Katz adjourned the meeting at 11:23.
NEXT MEETING: Board Meeting Friday, October 13, 2023, 9:00 chit-chat, 9:30 meeting
Submitted by Jane Moyer, Recording Secretary
Friends of the Gardens Program Proposal
The Community Outreach Working Group and the Member Services Working Group have been discussing the possibility of starting Friends of the Gardens Program. A Joint committee was formed at the end of June. The Joint Committee consisted of Colet Allen, Grace Florjancic, Barbara Low and Linda Millus. John Kobal joined us in August. The draft proposal was given to the Community Outreach Working Group and the Member Services Working Group for their approval. Both groups have discussed it and offered suggestions. At the August 21st Joint Meeting the suggestions were made part of the proposal. It will be presented to the JCMGA Board for their approval at the September meeting.
Friends of the Gardens Program Description
This program would consist of :
- JCMGA Volunteer Coordinator(s)
- Act as the contact person between the GEMS and the Friends of the Gardens participants
- Vital to have communication between the JCMGA Volunteer Coordinator, the GEMS, and the Friends of the Gardens participants.
- The JCMGA Coordinator will check in with the participants to see how everything is going. This will be done after the first month of volunteering, the 3rd month of volunteering and at the end of November.
- Will develop a basic checklist for new volunteers including what needs to be completed.
- Establish a schedule with the GEMs to lead the group of volunteers through the Demonstration Gardens each week. The week before a GEM is leading volunteers, check with that GEM to be sure they are still available to lead volunteers.
- For incoming volunteers, the coordinator will give them an overview of what volunteering will look like including the day of the week and hours volunteering occurs. Let them know they will need to attend an orientation before they begin volunteering. Orientations will most likely just be 1-2 new volunteers at a time and can be held whenever convenient, they don’t have to be on the main workday.
- Will make sure that all required OSU forms – including the Code of Conduct Form – is signed before working in the gardens.
- For existing volunteers, email them a weekly reminder of the upcoming volunteer day. Include any specific notes about the day like the weather or a cancellation of the day.
- Will record each participant’s volunteer hours
- TBD — Grace Florjancic will be acting Volunteer Coordinator until we have one.
- MG Program Coordinator’s Role: the OSU side of paperwork.
- The MG Program Coordinator would be responsible for ensuring all Friends of the Gardens have their waivers signed before they begin working in the gardens.
- The coordinator will have contact information and emergency contact information for these volunteers.
- While establishing the Friends of the Gardens program, Grace is willing to help with coordinating orientation days for the new volunteers, promotion of the program, and working with MGs interested in becoming the Friends of the Gardens coordinator to show ways of keeping organized and scheduling.
- GEMs
- GEMS would email their volunteers to update them on the Demonstration Garden work that is planned to be done and work reminders.
- GEMS would let us know specifically what they would want Friends of the Gardens participants to do.
- Friends of the Garden
- Participants will be non-member volunteers who work with GEMS in the Demonstration Gardens.
- Friends of the Gardens participants would work on Wednesday’s from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m. with GEMs as they are already working in the gardens that day. Participants could start the first week of April and end the last week of November. An average of 5 Friends of the Gardens volunteers in the garden for 3 hours each week in this time period would equate to an additional 480 hours of volunteering in the gardens.
- We feel that participants may want to work in a specific garden – because of individual interests. They would also have the opportunity to move around to other gardens at a later date as long as GEMS involved agree.
- Volunteers will check-in and sign out in the office. This way we can keep track of their hours.
- To ensure the safety of our volunteers, there should be limits on the tools they have access to. Anything powered like a blower or mower should be handled by a MG.
- Anything that needs to be sprayed should be handled by a MG, even if that spray is safe for human contact.
- Required to attend an Orientation before working in our Demonstration Gardens.
- Structure of the day
- Tool safety
- Proper gardening attire
- Importance of being up to date on tetanus shots
- Check practicum orientation lesson for other items which should be included
Benefits of Program
We see these individuals as ambassadors for JCMGA and SOREC. They are a way to make us more visible in the community.
Beginning with one segment of volunteering, Demonstration Garden maintenance, would simplify the work in coordinating volunteers, keeping the volunteer group together as a unit to build comradery, and it is what most non-MGs are interested in doing. But although we expect most Friends of the Gardens volunteers to assist in the Demonstration Gardens, volunteers who wish to have other assignments may be accommodated.
One main benefit of having non-MG volunteers in the gardens is that they can start working in the gardens earlier than students can. There are many big-ticket items like leaf removal and pruning that occur in mid spring while the students are still in class. Another benefit is that currently GEMs often have trouble keeping up with the work involved with garden maintenance but with more volunteers it will lighten their workload.
Targeted Audience
Our targeted audience are those individuals who are interested in gardening but not a Master Gardener.
The minimum age will be 10 years old and accompanied by an adult. All waiver forms would have to be signed by the guardian.
The minimum age for someone to volunteer without a parent/guardian is 16 years old. Guardian would have to sign the waivers.
No maximum age limit. Volunteers will supervise their needs – such as drinking water, taking breaks, sitting in the shade ….
Possible Perks for the Friends of the Gardens
- Knowledge gained in working with GEMS in the gardens.
- Possible discounts in organization (TBD)
- Invitation to Annual Membership Picnic
- Give out a Friend of JCMGA Award
- Social interaction with people who also enjoy gardening.
How to Advertise It
- Facebook
- Garden Beet
- Add a page on JCMGA website.
- General information about program
- Waiver documents available
- Orientation Video