- JCMGA December 2024 Board Minutes - January 31, 2025
- JCMGA New Board Orientation Meeting Minutes – December 6, 2025 - January 31, 2025
- JCMGA Board Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Jackson County Master Gardener Association
Board Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2024
Board Members Present:
Barbara Low, President, Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG, Chair Member Services WG
Marcie Katz, Past President, Co-Chair Spring Garden Fair WG
Keltie Nelson, Treasurer, Co-Chair Marketing & Technology WG
Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary
Ann Ackles, Membership Secretary
Colet Allen, OMGA Representative & Co-Chair, Winter Dreams Summer Gardens WG
Lucy Pylkki, Member-at-Large & Co-Chair, Spring Garden Fair WG
Rebecca Cohn, Member-at-Large
Janine Salvatti, Chair, Gardens WG
Jane Moyer, Chair, Fundraising WG
Michael Hornbeek, Student Representative
Zoom Technology Failure Therefore the Following Board Members Were Unable to Attend:
Sandy Hammond, Member-at-Large
Rob MacWhorter, President Elect
Regula Pepi, Assistant Treasurer
Pam Hillers, Archivist
Cassandra Toews, Member-at-Large
Ronnie Budge, Chair, Community Outreach WG
Kaleen Reilly, Member-at-Large
Grace Florjancic, OSU MG Program Coordinator
Alice Ingraham
Kendyl Berkowitz
Call to Order: President Barbara Low called the Board meeting to order at 9:40am.
Additions to the Agenda: A request was made to add discussion on the plants donated by the Josephine Master Gardener Association.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the addition to the agenda. Motion passed.
Approval of the Consent Agenda:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion passed.
Approval of the Agenda:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed.
Approval of the Board Meeting Minutes from July 11, 2024:
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the July 11, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes as written. Motion passed.
Finance Report: Treasurer Keltie Nelson responded to questions from the Board regarding the financial statements for July 2024.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to accept the July 2024 financial statements. Motion passed.
MG Program Coordinator Report: On behalf of OSU MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic, President Low reported that the welcome luncheon for members of the Josephine Master Gardener Association went well with several members expressing interest in volunteering in various ways with Jackson County. The Cultivating Companions grant implementation continues to go well with positive feedback.
President’s Report: President Barbara Low shared the following information with the Board:
- President Low reported that the monthly meeting with MG Program Coordinator Grace Florjancic and Farm Manager Jake Hoyman covered discussion of the trailer agreement, demolition of the Creepy Old House now set for mid-August, and plans to widen the SOREC entry driveway to three lanes.
- A tour of updates to the JCMGA website was tabled however President Low noted that the Fall Festival & Winter Dreams Summer Gardens (WDSG) pages have been updated and registration for WDSG begins Monday, August 12, 2024.
- President Low also noted that the website needs serious updating to its security and structure.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to authorize Treasurer Keltie Nelson to contract with a professional website consultant to assess and make recommendations regarding the JCMGA website. Motion passed.
- The 2024 Class Graduation date has been changed to November 9, 2024 due to a scheduling conflict with the previous date.
- The JCMGA Orchard Demonstration Garden will be taken out due to the location of the planned SOREC building for students. The Board discussed possibly taking scions from the orchard, moving the trees to a different location, donating the trees, or simply letting them go.
- President Low attended the OMGA Joy of Gardening annual education conference noting that the conference was well planned and had 230 attendees. She encouraged members to attend next year.
- Dropbox training in the auditorium will be on a Wednesday at 5:30pm with possible dates being August 22nd, August 28th, and September 18th. President Low will coordinate the final date with Regina Boykins.
Membership Secretary Report: Membership Secretary Ann Ackles contacted two past JCMGA members that had recently rejoined. One member reported that she had not received the renewal notice. It was suggested that renewal flyers be posted around the demonstration gardens to help remind members to renew. Membership Secretary Ackles provided JCMGA membership directories to attendees at the welcome luncheon for members of the Josephine County Master Gardeners. Ann has set a goal of 100%-member participation in next year’s renewal and completion of the interest form.
Josephine County Master Gardener Association: Jane Moyer reported on the effort to collect equipment, materials, and supplies at the request of the Josephine County Master Gardener Association. A complete inventory will be documented. In regards to the donated plants, proceeds from the sale of these plants will go to the general operating fund of Jackson County. Members of Josephine County who would like to join Jackson County will have their membership fee waived for this year. If Oregon State University charges members of Josephine County a fee for joining Jackson County, the Board will consider covering this cost.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to store the equipment, materials, and supplies obtained from the Josephine County Master Gardener Association and return all if the association reorganizes within three years.
Motion passed.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to refund the cost of the rental truck ($248.30) to obtain the materials from the Josephine County Master Gardener Association to Kathy Rogers.
Motion passed.
- Practicum Design Ad Hoc Committee Update: Jane Moyer presented three bids received for construction of the classroom, tool shed, and lathe house. The three bids were 1) Shed Guys – $58,123 (no permits, no electrical, no concrete, no plumbing, etc.); 2) Pacific Breeze Construction – $207,800; and 3) Dovetail Design & Construction – $240,900. The Board discussed the three bids and also funding ideas. It was suggested that the membership be informed of the project. Janine Salvatti offered to write a monthly article regarding the demolition of the Creepy Old House and the proposal to build a new classroom, tool shed, and lathe house.
- President Low presented a draft Winter Dreams Summer Gardens video release form that would allow JCMGA to use the recorded education videos from the symposium in other venues. Language changes were discussed. A revised draft will be presented to the Board at the next meeting.
- President Low shared with the Board that President-Elect Rob MacWhorter needs to resign his position on the Board. The Board discussed the need to fill both the President and President-Elect positions for the 2025 Board election. The Nominations Committee will meet soon to address the issue.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to accept the resignation from Rob MacWhorter as President-Elect. Motion passed.
- Master Gardener Clothing Fundraiser: JCMGA member Alice Ingraham shared the proposed design for the printing on the donated t-shirts. The Board discussed ideas of what should be printed on the shirts as well.
MOTION: It was moved and seconded to approve the clothing design with “Master Gardener” printed below the design. Motion passed.
- Fall Festival Update: Lucy Pylkki, Co-Chair for the Fall Festival reported that the $400 fee for use of SOREC grounds has been approved. Vendors can now apply online for the festival.
- Honey & Mead Festival – Tabled until the next Board meeting.
- JCMGA Board Fall Retreat – Tabled until the next Board meeting.
Presentation: President Barbara Low presented the State Growing & Belonging Award to Kendyl Berkowitz for her work in securing the grant to construct pathways in the Lavender Garden for disability access and the Cultivating Companions grant program.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.
Next Meeting:
- The next Board meeting will be held September 13, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:30am.
Respectfully Submitted by Kathy Apple, Recording Secretary