Jackson County Master Gardener Association
Board Meeting (by Zoom)
- Jane Moyer announced that Practicum mentors who took seedlings home were able to get containers from the Practicum supply at the Extension on Thursday 6/11 for transplanting.
- Ronnie Budge presented a thank you card from Cora Lee in regards to The Garden Beet article on the life and contributions of her husband Haydn Lee. The entire card will be reprinted in the July Garden Beet.
- More blue bags are needed for recycling redeemable cans and bottles. Jane Sawall volunteered to pick them up and to work with Kate Hassen to develop a system for distributing them.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Annette Carter reported June income of $1100 from plant sale donations, Garden Guides, and recycling redeemable cans and bottles and $75 refund from the Pear Blossom Parade.
Expenses included $1300 for insurance, and $157 for the agriculture license. The treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
Update on Master Gardener Program and Related
- Erika Szonntag reported that an agreement with OSU under the Oregon Phase 2 guidelines for reopening is forthcoming for Master Gardeners to be able to be on the Extension grounds for plant maintenance (i.e. the Master Gardeners will soon be able to return to the Demonstration Gardens to maintain the existing plants). Volunteers will be required to complete the online COVID-19 training, wear masks when in the building or within 6′ of another person, and bring their own tools or use and sterilize tools from the MG tool shed. It is predicted that volunteers will be limited to three days per week, 20 MG’s per day, and 2 per garden using an online sign-up system. Only one person will be allowed in a restroom at a time and hand washing stations will be available in the gardens.
- Group meetings at the Extension can resume on September 1 or later depending on COVID-19 conditions.
- An Outreach Coordinator has been hired by OSU to work with the Extensions.
- Erika shared a document from Gail Langellotto on Racial Justice in the Gardens (See attachment #1) which will lead to revised vision and mission statements (See attachment #2).
- The 2021 class format is still to be determined. Priority will be given to 2020 students.
- Practicum format is also still to be determined.
- Pop up sales will resume in the fall at the earliest.
Update/Proposals from WDSG Working Group
Sue Koury, one of the three WDSG co-chairs, reported they recommend there be no WDSG this year. Having a virtual WDSG was discussed but the co-chairs feel they don’t have the knowledge or the expertise to pull together this kind of an online event.
Update/Proposals from Fundraising Working Group
Jane Moyer reported for Chair Sandy Hammond. Recommendations include:
- Increase advertising for the fundraising efforts already developed through MailChimp, the JCMGA Facebook page, the JCMGA website, PSA’s, Jefferson Exchange, etc. along with an explanation of what we support with the funds. (The efforts we already have going include the sale of the Garden Guides, Grange refund, bottle and can returns, CARS, Amazon Smile, and direct donations.)
- Coordinate pop-up sales through the Fundraising Working Group so each sale can include more than native plants and advertising can be coordinated through all the same avenues mentioned in #1.
- Depending on the circumstances, have either a social distancing appropriate Holiday Gala or a virtual Holiday Gala advertised through all the same avenues mentioned in attachment #1.
- Include bulb sales and Garden Guide sales in the virtual WDSG and advertise through all the same avenues mentioned in #1.
Update/Proposals from Communications Working Group
Kate Hassen reminded the Board of Directors that any new projects need to be assigned to one of the working groups. At this point, the Communications Working Group doesn’t have the equipment or the expertise to create virtual events but is glad to advertise/distribute the information.
Kate Hassen moved JCMGA purchase and maintain a Zoom account. Sandy Hansen seconded. Motion passed with 18 in favor and 2 opposed.
Update/Proposals from Community Outreach Working Group
Bill Gabriel/Jim Buck would like to start a collection of virtual lessons, but also don’t have the equipment or the expertise to create them. Suggestions were made to look at the Practicum lessons taught by Zoom or OSU webinars coordinated by Brooke Edmunds. Sherri Morgan is developing a virtual tour of native plant gardens for next spring. This project was assigned to the Community Outreach Working Group. Jim Buck will contact Sherri to offer the working group’s help with coordination.
Update/Proposals from Gardens Working Group
Janine Salvatti referred the board to the report from Erika Szonntag.
Update/Proposals from Spring Garden Fair Working Group
Jane Moyer reported the SGF Working Group co-chairs have agreed to start planning for the 2021 SGF with two plans:
Plan A: Spring Garden Fair at the fairgrounds as usual.
Plan B: A virtual Spring Garden Fair. “Booths” would be a link to a page set up by each vendor to show their products and take orders. Customers would arrange to pick up their purchases from the vendor. JCMGA booths would also have a link. The plan to be used will depend on the state and OSU guidelines in effect after the first of the year.
Update/Proposals from Member Services Working Group
Keltie Nelson had no updates or proposals to report.
OMGA Report
Barbara Davidson reported on the Oregon Master Gardener Association.
- An Executive Committee meeting was held June 5.
- Erika Szonntag and Gail Langellotto have been working hard to obtain OSU permission to reopen the gardens.
- Lee Ann Locher has been hired as an outreach coordinator for the Extensions. We are hoping to use her expertise to assist with our outreach to the community, fundraising, and advertising.
- Mini-college is scheduled for July 17-18, 2021, in Corvallis. This will be a 45-year celebration of the annual gardening conference. The organizers are looking for a black binder holding information and documents from the past. They are also asking chapters to present a timeline of local activities.
Pam Hillers will compile this as soon as she can be admitted into the Extension building to access the archives. Names of 20/30/40-year members are needed so they can be honored. Patrice Kaska will send them to Barbara Davidson.
- A Karl Carlson Grant for $250 has been awarded to JCMGA towards the purchase of vent screens for Greenhouse #2 to help prevent insects from entering.
- OMGA needs a news editor. Let Barbara Davidson know if you are interested.
Proposed Policy on Conflict of Interest: Kathy Apple moved the board adopt the proposed policy titled “Conflict of Interest.” (See attachments #3 and #4.) Lynn Kunstman seconded. Unanimous approval.
Proposed Policy on Operating Reserve Fund: Kathy Apple moved the board adopt the “Operating Reserve Fund” policy in the new policy format. (See attachment #5.) Lynn Kunstman seconded. Nineteen board members voted in favor, one opposed.
Proposed Policy on Acceptance of Gifts: Kathy Apple moved the board adopt the proposed policy titled “Acceptance of Gifts.” (See attachment #6.) Kate Hassen seconded. Unanimous approval. A list of acceptable non-monetary items will be developed by Kathy Apple.
Proposed Policy on School Garden Grants: Kathy Apple moved the board adopt the “School Garden Grants” policy in the new policy format. Barbara Davidson asked item 2.2 be amended to show the grants are posted in August, due in October, and awarded in November so the process occurs in the same school year the funds are used. (See attachment #7.) Barbara Davidson seconded the motion as amended. Unanimous approval.
Proposed Policy on JCMGA Event & Master Gardener Program Grants: Kathy Apple moved the board adopt the proposed policy on “JCMGA Event & Master Gardener Program Grants”. (See attachment #8.) Barbara Davidson seconded. Unanimous approval.
July Board Meeting: 9:30–11:30, Friday July 10, 2020 by Zoom.
Submitted by Jane Moyer, Recording Secretary